Sunday, February 16, 2014

Whether Patients with Kidney Disease can be Pregnant?

Be with a child is an earnest wish for every women. But for the women with kidney disease, are they suitable to be with a child? Will pregnancy worsen the kidney damage? Is there any influence for the fetus? For the answers for these questions, the experts said, there are many kinds of kidney disease. Whether the patients can be pregnant and what time is best for pregnancy are depended on the specific conditions.Generally speaking, the conditions of not suitable pregnancy include:
1. Patients with Renal Failure. No matter male or female, patients with Renal Failure are not suitable for pregnancy, because the toxin accumulation may affect the quality of sperm and ovum. Particularly, women patients with pregnancy will further worsen kidney burden, which not only threat women’s life, but also lead to fetal malformation, abortion and dead fetus.
2. Patients with severe infectious kidney disease. Such as urocystitis, hydronephrosis, they are also not suitable for pregnancy, because they will use large amounts of antibiotics in the treatment process, which may affect fetus’s health.
But, patients with some kidney disease can be pregnant after controlling the disease. These conditions include:
1. Patients with severe infectious kidney disease after controlling well
Patients with severe infectious kidney disease wanting to have a child should be after controlling well the condition and stopping taking medicine for 2-3 months. For patients with kidney transplantation, they can have a child after one year for male and 2 years for female, also the dosage of anti rejection drugs is little. However, the risk of pregnancy and fetus malformation is higher than healthy people.
2. Women with mild Chronic Nephritis
For patients with Chronic Nephritis, if the condition is mild, and no high blood pressure and kidney damage, they can take it consider to be pregnant. But patients should closely observe blood pressure, urine protein and kidney function during the pregnancy.
If patients occur to blood pressure increase and kidney function worsening in the first 3 months of pregnancy, it’s indicated that patients are not suitable for pregnancy. If necessary, patients should terminate pregnancy under doctor’s guidance. Otherwise, both fetus and pregnant mother have a vital danger.

In addition, if one parent with autoimmune disease, like systemic lupus erythematosus, they must meet pregnancy requirements, like urine protein becoming negative, kidney function becoming normal, disease controlling well, stopping taking steroid for above half years.

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