Sunday, February 16, 2014

What is the Harm of Diabetic Nephropathy?

Diabetic Nephropathy refers to long-time Diabetes resulting in kidney damage. The main symptoms are protienuria (protein in the urine) and high blood pressure. So, what is the harm of Diabetic Nephropathy? Experts in Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital told us that the harms of Diabetic Nephropathy include:
1. patients’mental stress and agony. For people with and without kidney disease, there physical condition and life quality are different, as well as threat and mental stress.
2. Resulting in death. Although Diabetic Nephropathy is not like heart disease that easily leads to sudden death, it is a primary cause for patients with Diabetes to result in death. In clinic practice, the main death population of Diabetic Nephropathy is Type ⅠDiabetes. Because, patients with Type ⅠDiabetes are occurring at the early age, the progression is rapid, and the kidney function is poor, finally all patients will appear damage in heart, cerebrovascular, and kidneys. In addition, kidney disease will lead to disability. For example, patients with dialysis will have a different life from the healthy people
3. Resulting in huge economic waste. For example, if patients need dialysis, they must require dialysis twice a week at least, which will bring a large economic burden. Also, the work and manual labor will be affected, which is also a waste.
So, we should try to avoid having Diabetic Nephropathy. We can’t make all people avoid Diabetes, But we can try our best minimize the number of Diabetic Nephropathy. Even people have had Diabetic Nephropathy, we should try to slow down its progression to Uremia and avoid dying early.

If you have any questions, please contact our expert online.

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