Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What Diseases can Lead to Uremia?

Uremia is a kind of severe kidney disease. In the daily life, if we know the root of the Uremia and make a correct prevention, we may avoid Uremia occurrence. So what is the cause of inducing Uremia? The experts in Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital give the following explanation:

No.1, HIV
According to research, the Uremia which is caused by HIV infection has an increasing trend, accounting for about 1%.

Kidney structure and function will appear obvious degenerative change with the age. In the normal condition, the kidneys have a strong compensation. Even the kidneys have been damaged about 50%, it can still maintain the normal life. For example, if people just have one kidney, he can still have a healthy life. However, with the age increasing, the body’ reservation is weak until complete loss. Under the condition with additional burden, the kidney function can meet the requirement of basic life. But it is unable to manage the sudden damage and diseases.So, for the elder people, once they appear accident, it is easy to lead to further kidney damage and develop to Uremia, such as infection, catching a cold, losing blood, water shortage, renal toxic drugs, other diseases and so on, all these factors can be the inducement of Uremia for elder people.
No.3, Drug Toxicity
Different levels of drugs side-effect can also result in Uremia. Recently, about 25% patients with kidney failure is related with drugs toxicity.
No.4 Infection
Most Uremia can be caused by urinary system infection or urinary tract infection. it can affect all people, especial for women of childbearing. So all patients with kidney disease should try to avoid infection in the daily life.
No.5 Other Kidney Diseases.
Although there are many factors can lead to Uremia, the kidney disease is the most common one, because Uremia is the end of all Chronic Kidney Disease. Among all these kidney diseases, Chronic Nephritis is the primary cause.
6. Diabetes.
For patients with Diabetes, if the glucose can’t be controlled well, it will result in Uremia. Most patients with Diabetes will have Uremia at the later stage.
7. Hypertension (high blood pressure)
About 15% hypertension will directly progress to Uremia. Because long-term high blood pressure will lead to kidney damage and then occur to Hypertensive Uremia

The experts suggests: if patients have kidney disease, they should treat it early and timely. And they should choose the professional kidney disease hospital or take medicine under the expert’s guidelines.

Is Lower Back Pain Indicating Kidney Problem?

Lower back pain is a common signs of kidney disease. When people feel that they have lower back pain, they think it is kidney problem. Is lower back pain indicating kidney problem? The experts in Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital tell us:

Patients with kidney disease often have lower back pain. For example, when patients have Acute Pyelonephritis, kidney emboli, Obstructive Kidney Disease, rapid enlargement of kidney and suppurative inflammation around kidneys, they will appear violent lower back pain. But not all patients with kidney problem will have this symptom, such as Acute and Chronic Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and so on, they often just have slight discomfort or soreness of waist; few of them appear violent lower back pain. In addition, other disease can also lead to lower back pain, such as lumbar muscle strain, lumbar hyperosteogeny, lumber sprain and women’s pelvic lesions (pelvic inflammation, annexitis and so on). So not all lower back pains are indicating kidney problem. Patients should go to hospital to take examination to confirm the reason.

High BUN Level

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) is the final metabolic product of protein in the body. It is mainly excreted through glomerular filtration. The value of BUN can reflect the condition of kidney function.

For the normal people, the fasting BUN is 3.2-7.1 mmol/L (9-20mg/dL). If people have kidney lesion, such as Glomerulonephritis, Interstitial Nephritis, Acute and Chronic Kidney Failure, kidney destructive lesion, all these diseases can lead to BUN increasing. There are also many other factors except for kidney factors leading to BUN increasing. If it can exclude other factors, the BUN 21.4 mmol/L (60mg/dL) will be one of the indicators for Uremia.

For patients, there are two conditions of high BUN level. The most common is kidney insufficiency, including Acute Kidney Insufficiency and Chronic Kidney Insufficiency. The first reason is because of kidney damage, BUN can’t be eliminated with Urine, and a part of patients with Acute Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome can also appear transient BUN increasing, mainly in serious swelling. Because little urination lead to no discharge of BUN with urine, and these BUN will accumulate in the blood.

High Serum Creatinine Level

Serum creatinine is the metabolic product of muscle. It is mainly removed through glomerular filtration. When the serum creatinine is higher than the normal range, it indicates that kidney function has been damaged. Kidney damage will lead to serum creatinine unable to discharge from the body, which will make serum creatinine increasing.

When the kidney is damaged, the renal cells will appear inflammation, and the glomerular filtration will become weak. The serum creatinine is unable to discharge from the body through kidneys, and it will accumulate in the blood, resulting in serum creatinine increasing. At the same time, patients also have high blood pressure, severe swelling and other symptoms. So, when serum creatinine is increasing in the test reports, patients should go to hospital to find the reason, and receive the correct treatment, which can prevent further kidney damage.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Is Lower Back Pain Indicating Kidney Problem?

Lower back pain is a common signs of kidney disease. When people feel that they have lower back pain, they think it is kidney problem. Is lower back pain indicating kidney problem? The experts in Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital tell us:

Patients with kidney disease often have lower back pain. For example, when patients have Acute Pyelonephritis, kidney emboli, Obstructive Kidney Disease, rapid enlargement of kidney and suppurative inflammation around kidneys, they will appear violent lower back pain. But not all patients with kidney problem will have this symptom, such as Acute and Chronic Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and so on, they often just have slight discomfort or soreness of waist; few of them appear violent lower back pain. In addition, other disease can also lead to lower back pain, such as lumbar muscle strain, lumbar hyperosteogeny, lumber sprain and women’s pelvic lesions (pelvic inflammation, annexitis and so on). So not all lower back pains are indicating kidney problem. Patients should go to hospital to take examination to confirm the reason.

How to Protect Our Kidneys in Daily Life?

If people want to have a long life, normal kidneys are the key points. But what should we do to protect our kidneys in daily life? The expert will give us some suggestions:

1. The diet should be light and digestive. Don’t eat too much food with high proteins and sodium; appropriately control the salt and protein intake. The recent research indicates that excessive salt is a risk factor for many diseases, especially the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. It is considered in Traditional Chinese Medicine that in five flavors (sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty), the salt passes through the kidneys. The proper salt can nourish the kidneys, but excessive salt will injury them. The ideal salt intake is 6 g/d. High protein diet can speed up the kidney damage, especially for elder people.

2. Don't drink much water. The daily urine volume should be about 1500-2000ml. and the plain boiled water is advocated.

3. Quit smoking and drinking

4. Avoid infection. For elder people with kidney insufficiency, once they have infection, they will appear further kidney injury, and even threat life. So elder people should strengthen the daily exercise and prevent all kinds of infection.

5. Have a regular physical examination, especially urine test, kidney function test, because early detection will be helpful for treating all kidney diseases.

6. Try to avoid using or just use less renal toxin drugs. The common renal toxin drugs include: gentamicin, streptomycin and such aminoglycoside antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis rifampin, sulfonamides and contrast medium. People should try to avoid using them. If it must be used, people should be under doctor’s guidance. And people should try to avoid or reduce contacting the renal toxin.

What Factors Will Lead to Lupus Nephritis?

Lupus Nephritis is a kind of serious kidney disease which not only affects body function, but also threat patients’ life. What factors will lead to Lupus Nephritis? The expert in Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital Dr. Liu Jing Duo gives us some explanation.

He said that the factors include:

1. Heredity: heredity plays a decisive role in Lupus Nephritis onset, and it is the most primary cause. Patients may have family history and relative has a high risk of occurrence.

2. Sex hormone: because this disease affects more female than male, and commonly occurring in lactation period, female hormone is related to Lupus Nephritis. About 50% female patients’ condition is worsening due to pregnancy.

3. Psychological Factors:Psychological stress can trigger the disease being active, and it is also a possible cause which is resulting in Lupus Nephritis. However, stress for individuals’ response is influenced by individual’s quality, personality and stressful life practice’ intense, persistence and frequency.

4. Environmental factors: 1. Infection; 2. Stimulating immune system.

5. Medicine and decayed food may also lead to Lupus Nephritis.

The expert points out: Lupus Nephritis is a serious disease. If detecting it, patients should go to hospital as soon as possible. Otherwise it will threat patients’ life.

Kidney Disease Examination -- Ultrasound B

Ultrasound B is a kind of equipment which is using ultrasonic transmission technology and ultrasonic image diagnosis technology. It applies to ultrasonic reflection theory. It has been popular to use Ultrasound B check kidneys in clinical practice. It has the advantages of no damage, and safe application. It can display renal capsula, parenchyma, pelvis and such tissues and structures. In addition, it can accurately locate kidney position and measure kidney size, judge the tumor in or out kidneys, as well as cystic lesion. When patients check kidneys, there is no special preparation. Currently, the Ultrasound B can find the following problems:

1. Observing kidney size, shape and location, measuring the thickness of renal cortex and medulla, as well as echo intensity: when the kidneys are normal, the shape and size are normal, and the echo of renal cortex is even; when kidneys appear diffuse and material lesion, the echo may be abnormal. Ultrasound B can also differentiate Acute and Chronic Kidney Failure.

2. Diagnosing Kidney Cysts and Hydronephrosis: Because ultrasound has a strong reflection for fluid, in the Ultrasound B screen, the fluid will show even gray. If patients have cysts and hydronephrosis, through Ultrasound B, it can find the size and numbers of cysts and the degree of hydronephrosis.

3. Differentiating kidney mass: through Ultrasound B, the mass is less obvious than hydronephrosis, but the size, numbers and location of tumor is better.

4. Transplanted kidney: it is a ideal method to check kidney condition with Ultrasound B after kidney transplantation. For example, the sudden kidney enlargement indicates acute rejection; the capacity of pelvis and calyce increasing indicates obstruction; at the late period, patients appearing blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine increasing and kidney enlargement indicates rejection; kidney shrinking indicates kidney atrophy.

5. Kidney stone: If patients have kidney stone, it can find that spot or mass echo and sound shadow at the back in the screen of Ultrasound.

6. Congenital kidney adnormality: such as unilateral kidney agenesis, ectopic kidney, double kidney, horse-shoe kidney and kidney dysplasia, all these abnormalities can show different characteristic ultrasonic images.

7. Kidney puncture positioning: through Ultrasound B, it can look for the ideal puncture point and deepth, also observe whether there is bleeding after puncturing. So, all kidney biospies are processing with the help of Ultrasound B, which can guarante the safety of kidney biopsy.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

What Factors Will Lead to Lupus Nephritis?

Lupus Nephritis is a kind of serious kidney disease which not only affects body function, but also threat patients’ life. What factors will lead to Lupus Nephritis? The expert in Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital Dr. Liu Jing Duo gives us some explanation.

He said that the factors include:

1. Heredity: heredity plays a decisive role in Lupus Nephritis onset, and it is the most primary cause. Patients may have family history and relative has a high risk of occurrence.

2. Sex hormone: because this disease affects more female than male, and commonly occurring in lactation period, female hormone is related to Lupus Nephritis. About 50% female patients’ condition is worsening due to pregnancy.

3. Psychological Factors:Psychological stress can trigger the disease being active, and it is also a possible cause which is resulting in Lupus Nephritis. However, stress for individuals’ response is influenced by individual’s quality, personality and stressful life practice’ intense, persistence and frequency.

4. Environmental factors: 1. Infection; 2. Stimulating immune system.

5. Medicine and decayed food may also lead to Lupus Nephritis.

Is Lower Back Pain Indicating Kidney Problem?

Lower back pain is a common signs of kidney disease. When people feel that they have lower back pain, they think it is kidney problem. Is lower back pain indicating kidney problem? The experts in Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital
tell us:

Patients with kidney disease often have lower back pain. For example, when patients have Acute Pyelonephritis, kidney emboli, Obstructive Kidney Disease, rapid enlargement of kidney and suppurative inflammation around kidneys, they will appear violent lower back pain. But not all patients with kidney problem will have this symptom, such as Acute and Chronic Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and so on, they often just have slight discomfort or soreness of waist; few of them appear violent lower back pain. In addition, other disease can also lead to lower back pain, such as lumbar muscle strain, lumbar hyperosteogeny, lumber sprain and women’s pelvic lesions (pelvic inflammation, annexitis and so on). So not all lower back pains are indicating kidney problem. Patients should go to hospital to take examination to confirm the reason.

Kidney Disease Examination -- Ultrasound B

Ultrasound B is a kind of equipment which is using ultrasonic transmission technology and ultrasonic image diagnosis technology. It applies to ultrasonic reflection theory. It has been popular to use Ultrasound B check kidneys in clinical practice. It has the advantages of no damage, and safe application. It can display renal capsula, parenchyma, pelvis and such tissues and structures. In addition, it can accurately locate kidney position and measure kidney size, judge the tumor in or out kidneys, as well as cystic lesion. When patients check kidneys, there is no special preparation. Currently, the Ultrasound B can find the following problems:

1. Observing kidney size, shape and location, measuring the thickness of renal cortex and medulla, as well as echo intensity: when the kidneys are normal, the shape and size are normal, and the echo of renal cortex is even; when kidneys appear diffuse and material lesion, the echo may be abnormal. Ultrasound B can also differentiate Acute and Chronic Kidney Failure.

2. Diagnosing Kidney Cysts and Hydronephrosis: Because ultrasound has a strong reflection for fluid, in the Ultrasound B screen, the fluid will show even gray. If patients have cysts and hydronephrosis, through Ultrasound B, it can find the size and numbers of cysts and the degree of hydronephrosis.

3. Differentiating kidney mass: through Ultrasound B, the mass is less obvious than hydronephrosis, but the size, numbers and location of tumor is better.

4. Transplanted kidney: it is a ideal method to check kidney condition with Ultrasound B after kidney transplantation. For example, the sudden kidney enlargement indicates acute rejection; the capacity of pelvis and calyce increasing indicates obstruction; at the late period, patients appearing blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine increasing and kidney enlargement indicates rejection; kidney shrinking indicates kidney atrophy.

5. Kidney stone: If patients have kidney stone, it can find that spot or mass echo and sound shadow at the back in the screen of Ultrasound.

6. Congenital kidney adnormality: such as unilateral kidney agenesis, ectopic kidney, double kidney, horse-shoe kidney and kidney dysplasia, all these abnormalities can show different characteristic ultrasonic images.

7. Kidney puncture positioning: through Ultrasound B, it can look for the ideal puncture point and deepth, also observe whether there is bleeding after puncturing. So, all kidney biospies are processing with the help of Ultrasound B, which can guarante the safety of kidney biopsy.


1. What is Hemodialysis?

Hemodialysis is one kind of kidney replacement treatment. When patients’ kidney failure reached a certain level, they must be on dialysis to replace damaged part of kidney function to filter the blood and eliminate the waste product to maintain the life. The procedure is: patient’s blood is drawn to hemodialyzer by a catheter, and hemodialyzer with hemodialysis machine will simulate kidney function to eliminate the metabolic waste product and excessive fluid from the blood, then the blood which will be cleansed after flowing through the hemodialyzer will be back to patient body through another catheter. This process often takes about 3-5 hours, and 2-3 times one week.

2. The advantages and disadvantages for hemodialysis
Advantages: (1) this treatment often needs a long time and the scale is very wide; (2) it can eliminate the fluid and micromolecule toxins, if it can coordinate with other treatment mode, such as blood perfusion, it can also eliminate the middle and large molecule toxin and metabolic waste product; (3) patients may need receive this treatment in the regular time, the other time is not affected, and the medical staff will operate it.
Disadvantages: (1) currently, in China, patients must go to hospital to receive it which can just be operated by the professional staff, also, patients must limit activity for 3-5 hours; (2) the rate of hematogenous infection is higher than peritoneal dialysis, and patients with bleeding tendency and active bleeding are at a higher risk; (3) hemodialysis will affect circulatory system, so it has some requirements for basic cardiovascular function; (4) it has a little protecting effect for remain kidney function; (5) it has a strict diet requirement.

3. Who is not suitable to do hemodialysis?

Hemodialysis is a kind of kidney replacement treatment, but some patients may not be suitable to do it. For this part of patients, they can use other treatment methods. The patients who are not suitable for Hemodialysis include: (1) patients have shock or low blood pressure (blood pressure <80mmHg); (2) patients have serious myocardial lesions, pulmonary edema and heart failure; (3) patients have a poor heart function, and accompany with ischemic cardiomyopathy; (4) patients have Diabetes or patients who are difficult to establish vascular access; (5) patients don’t want to limit activities or want to do dialysis at home.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Chronic Pyelonephritis

Chronic Plyelonephritis is the chronic inflammation caused by bacteria infection of kidneys. The main lesion is to injury renal interstitium, renal pelvis and renal calices. Because the inflammation progression or recurrence results in damaging renal interstitium, renal pelvis and renal calices and forms scarring tissue, which will cause to nephrarctia and renal insufficiency. Commonly patients may only have abdominal pain and (or) low fever, and no noticeable urinary infection: painful urination, frequent urination and urgent urination. Its primary presentations are nocturia increasing and a bit of white blood cells and proteins. Patients who have the history of long-term or recurrent urinary infection will occur to Uremia at the late stage.
Symptoms and Signs
1. Systemic poisoning symptoms: chill, fever, fatigue and poor appetite.
2. Local symptoms: abdominal soreness, abdominal pain and percussion pain between ribs.
3. Bladder irritation signs: frequency, urgency and pain urination, urination difficulty. And the history of urinary tract infection is more than half a year, with no response for antibateria treatment.
Clinical Symptoms:
This disease presents complicatedly and variously in clinical practice. The main presentation is true bacteriuria. There are a bit of white blood cells and proteins in the urine. And bacteriuria may be persistant or intermittent. Patients mostly have recurrent urinary irritation signs. Some patients may neither have systemic symptoms or noticeable urinary irritation signs. Some patients have low fever, abdominal pain, fatigue, frequent urination or pyuria after recurrent tests. Sometimes, patients may just have sallow complexion, tireness, poor appetite. In children, they present loss of appetite, mental fatigue, anemia, maldevelopment, growth retardation or enuresis, uroclepsia.
It can be divided into five types:
1. Recurrence type: it is typical chronic pyelonephritis. Patients usually recurrently occur to urinary irritation signs, with bacteruira. Low fever or medium fever and dull pain between the kidneys are also the symptoms.
2. Long-term low fever type: patients often have no urinary irritation signs, and just have low fever, dizziness, fatigue, losing weight and poor appetite, which is often misdiagnosed by neuronal low fever, tuberculosis, or other chronic infectious disease.
3. Hematuria type: a minority of patients are characterized with recurrent hematuria. And hematuria can relieve without treatment.
4. Asymptomatic bacteriuria: Patients neither have systemic symptoms nor urinary irritation signs, but there are many bacteria, a bit of white blood cells, and occasional cast in the urine. This type is commonly seen in pregnant women and girls.

5. Hypertensive type: patients may have urinary infection history before, but the main clinical presentation is Hypertensive symptoms featuring with dizziness, headache and fatigue, or occasionally high blood pressure, but no urinary irritation signs. So it is easy to be misdiagnosed by idiopathic hypertension. This disease is one of the basic diseases for progressive hypertension. If young man and women have hypertension, it should be considered to chronic pyelonephritis. Patients may complicate with proteinuria and anemia, and GFR is decreasing.

Acute Pyelonephritis

Acute Pyelonephritis is referring to acute infectious disease in renal pelvis mucosa and renal parenchyma, mainly caused by Escherichia coli. The common clinical symptoms include fever, chill, abdominal pain, percussion pain in the kidney, frequent urination, urgent urination, painful urination and such irritation signs of bladder. The most serious complication of acute pyelonephritis is infectious toxin shock.
Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of renal tubules, renal interstitium and renal parenchyma directly caused by various pathogenic microorganisms. The main microorganism is non-specific bacteria, and most are Escherichia coli, and then proteus, staphylococcus, streptococcus faecium, a minority is pseudomonas aeruginosa and occasion is fungus, protozoa, Chlamydia or virus
Clinical Symptoms
1. urinary irritation
Mostly, plyelonephritis is caused by upper infection, so most cases will complicate urocystitis. Patients occur to frequent urination, urgent urination and painful urination. The urine is muddy, and sometimes has blood.
2. the symptoms in the whole body
Include chill, fever (the temperature may be above 38℃), fatigue, poor appetite, and occasionally nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain.
3. local signs
The local signs include pain in one or both kidney, and percussion pain and tenderness.

Patients with diabetes, analgesic nephropathy or urinary tract obstruction complicating acute plyelonephritis may occur to renal papillary necrosis. In addition to sepsis symptoms, blood urine and pyuria, sometimes, patients may have ureter colic due to necrosis papillae falling down. Some patients may also occur to oliguria or anuria and acute renal failure.

Whether Patients with Kidney Disease can be Pregnant?

Be with a child is an earnest wish for every women. But for the women with kidney disease, are they suitable to be with a child? Will pregnancy worsen the kidney damage? Is there any influence for the fetus? For the answers for these questions, the experts said, there are many kinds of kidney disease. Whether the patients can be pregnant and what time is best for pregnancy are depended on the specific conditions.Generally speaking, the conditions of not suitable pregnancy include:
1. Patients with Renal Failure. No matter male or female, patients with Renal Failure are not suitable for pregnancy, because the toxin accumulation may affect the quality of sperm and ovum. Particularly, women patients with pregnancy will further worsen kidney burden, which not only threat women’s life, but also lead to fetal malformation, abortion and dead fetus.
2. Patients with severe infectious kidney disease. Such as urocystitis, hydronephrosis, they are also not suitable for pregnancy, because they will use large amounts of antibiotics in the treatment process, which may affect fetus’s health.
But, patients with some kidney disease can be pregnant after controlling the disease. These conditions include:
1. Patients with severe infectious kidney disease after controlling well
Patients with severe infectious kidney disease wanting to have a child should be after controlling well the condition and stopping taking medicine for 2-3 months. For patients with kidney transplantation, they can have a child after one year for male and 2 years for female, also the dosage of anti rejection drugs is little. However, the risk of pregnancy and fetus malformation is higher than healthy people.
2. Women with mild Chronic Nephritis
For patients with Chronic Nephritis, if the condition is mild, and no high blood pressure and kidney damage, they can take it consider to be pregnant. But patients should closely observe blood pressure, urine protein and kidney function during the pregnancy.
If patients occur to blood pressure increase and kidney function worsening in the first 3 months of pregnancy, it’s indicated that patients are not suitable for pregnancy. If necessary, patients should terminate pregnancy under doctor’s guidance. Otherwise, both fetus and pregnant mother have a vital danger.

In addition, if one parent with autoimmune disease, like systemic lupus erythematosus, they must meet pregnancy requirements, like urine protein becoming negative, kidney function becoming normal, disease controlling well, stopping taking steroid for above half years.

What is the Harm of Diabetic Nephropathy?

Diabetic Nephropathy refers to long-time Diabetes resulting in kidney damage. The main symptoms are protienuria (protein in the urine) and high blood pressure. So, what is the harm of Diabetic Nephropathy? Experts in Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital told us that the harms of Diabetic Nephropathy include:
1. patients’mental stress and agony. For people with and without kidney disease, there physical condition and life quality are different, as well as threat and mental stress.
2. Resulting in death. Although Diabetic Nephropathy is not like heart disease that easily leads to sudden death, it is a primary cause for patients with Diabetes to result in death. In clinic practice, the main death population of Diabetic Nephropathy is Type ⅠDiabetes. Because, patients with Type ⅠDiabetes are occurring at the early age, the progression is rapid, and the kidney function is poor, finally all patients will appear damage in heart, cerebrovascular, and kidneys. In addition, kidney disease will lead to disability. For example, patients with dialysis will have a different life from the healthy people
3. Resulting in huge economic waste. For example, if patients need dialysis, they must require dialysis twice a week at least, which will bring a large economic burden. Also, the work and manual labor will be affected, which is also a waste.
So, we should try to avoid having Diabetic Nephropathy. We can’t make all people avoid Diabetes, But we can try our best minimize the number of Diabetic Nephropathy. Even people have had Diabetic Nephropathy, we should try to slow down its progression to Uremia and avoid dying early.

If you have any questions, please contact our expert online.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Treatment for Children with Nephrotic Syndrome

As to the treatment of Children Nephrotic Syndrome, the common treatment is to use drugs to control the symptoms: for example, the common drugs to control the proteinuria are glucocorticoid(prednison, prednisolone ) and cytotoxic drugs (cyclophosphamide) or immunosuppressive drugs (Cyclosporin A, tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, leflunomide ); for the edema, the common drug is diuresis; for the hypercoagulable state, the common drug is anticoagulation or antiplatelet aggregation, such as heparin, dipyridamole. Although the symptoms are controlled, the renal tissues are still in the damaged state, and there may be some side-effects and complications after using these western medicine, especially steroid drugs, such as fat metabolic disorder, patients presenting obesity, abnormal fat distribution; glucose metabolic disorder will lead to high glucose and glycosuria.because patients are in growing period, the western medicine may affect children’s growth and development, especially for the height. However, Traditional Chinese Medicine cannot only treat the Nephrotic Syndrome from the root, but also regulate patients’ other organs.

For the treatment of Children Nephrotic Syndrome, the Chinese Medicine Medicated Bath Therapy in Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital has a remarkable effect. Chinese Medicine Medicated Bath Therapy is a treatment method of putting the whole body or parts of the body into the bath liquids, using electromagnetism to ionize the medicine and guide it into the lesions. Its main mechanism is treating disease with medicated bath by promoting circulation of Qi and blood, strengthening genuine Qi to eliminate pathogenic factors. Using this method to stimulate the skin, meridian and acupoint to absorb and osmose the medicine to the lesions. It has a special effect to organism immunity and genuine Qi regulating. Recently, we have imported tens bathing equipment and seventy other Chinese medicine external equipment to meet patients’ need.

Eight Populations with High Risk of Kidney Disease

1. Elder people
With the age increasing, kidney function will be aging naturally, and it will be more sensitive for drugs. Arteriosclerosis is also an important reason for kidney damage. Therefore, people at the age of 40-50 years old should pay more attention to kidney function. The best way is to do urine test and kidney function every year.
2. People with Hypertension
High blood pressure will increase kidney’s burden. And long-time high blood pressure will result in renal arteriosclerosis and affect kidney function. In terms of Chronic Kidney Disease treatment, controlling high blood pressure has been an important intervening measure. For patients with hypertension, if the pressure is controlling well, they just need take urine test and kidney function every year; if the pressure is not controlling well, they must check the kidney function every half year.
3. People with Hyperlipidemia
Lipid deposition in the blood vessel will lead to cardiovascular sclerosis and affect kidney vessel, resulting in renal arteriosclerosis. Meanwhile, for obesity people, except for high level of lipid affecting kidney function, high metabolism is also injuring the kidney function. Therefore, it is also important for obesity people to control weight and improve life style.
4. People with Diabetes
More than half patients with Diabetes will develop to Chronic Kidney Disease within 10 years. On this occasion, patients with Diabetes should alert the kidney disease. The key is controlling the glucose.
5. People who take medicine blindly
Commonly, medicine is excreted through kidneys. Some medicine may cause a large damage for the kidneys. For example, for patients with Chronic Nephritis taking analgesic-antipyretic, Chinese herbal medicine containing aristolochic acid and birthwort root will result in irreversible kidney damage.
6. People with Chronic Kidney Disease history
According to research, if there is a member having kidney disease history in the family, the occurrence rate of other members will increase by 5-8 times. So if someone has kidney disease in your family, other members should have a kidney examination.
7. People with autoimmune disease
Autoimmune diseases mainly include systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE), rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and vasculitis and so on. All these disease will result in kidney disease, especially for young women.
8. People with virus hepatitis

As we all known, hepatitis virus are common to injury liver and lead to virus hepatitis. But few people know that it can also lead to kidney disease, which is called Hepatitis Virus Related Nephritis.

Which Hospital Can Treat Renal Insufficiency?

Generally speaking, Renal Insufficiency is disease in the kidneys leading to renal function working abnormally. In many people’s view, Renal Insufficiency means renal failure, no hope to cure. Actually, Renal Insufficiency can be divided into 5 stages. The fifth stage of Renal Insufficiency is called renal failure. At this stage, patients must rely on dialysis to maintain life firstly and then wait for the new kidney. Nowadays, with the progression of medical technology and the improvement of medical equipment, Renal Insufficiency is not yet the incurable disease. Which Hospital can treat the Renal Insufficiency?
Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital, as the only one authorized fully-good first class and largest specialized kidney disease hospital, has had the professional expert team, mastered the advanced medical technology and equipped the advanced medical device. In the development process, this hospital is always devoted to cooperation exchange with well-known hospital and famous experts and has signed mutual support-cooperation agreement with many famous hospitals and medical colleges. The hospital, depending on the exquisite skills and excellent service, not only receives public praise, but also attracts some famous people and foreigners coming to see doctor.
After 30 years’ research and clinical trials, the experts in Beijing Yumei Kidney Hospital has created Natural Immune Balance System. If it can be used together with Kidney Recovery Series Classical Secrete Preparation, which make Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine treatment reach a perfect combination, it will receive a wonderful effect for the Renal Insufficiency treatment. Natural Immune Balance System has been applied patents in dozes of countries, receiving international medical acclaim, and been placed into the international promotion plan, which has promoted the status of Traditional Chinese Medicine treating kidney disease. The Natural Immune Balance System is welcomed by more and more patients with kidney disease at home and abroad.

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How to Prevent Glomerulonephritis Developing to Uremia?

Glomerulonephritis is a common kidney disease. Seemingly, it refers to inflammation reaction on the kidneys, but differing from other inflammation. Glomerulonephritis is also an immune disease. Kidneys occur to pathological lesion and it needs to be repaired timely. The expert points out that the early symptoms of nephritis are commonly slight, and easy to be ignored. Many patients develop to end-stage kidney disease due to not enough attention, which increase the treatment difficulty.
How to detect Glomerulonephritis at the early time and avoid progressing to Uremia?
According to statistics, more than half cases of Uremia are from Glomerulonephritis progression. And Glomerulonephritis is one of the main inducing factors for Uremia. So, how to prevent Glomerulonephritis progressing to Uremia? The experts indicate that the key is to confirm the Glomerulonephritis cause, detect the symptoms, treat it positively and strength the treatment effect.
1. Discover Glomerulonephritis symptoms at the early time.
The clinic symptoms are not obvious at the early stage. Commonly it indicates swelling, proteinuria and hematuria, some case may occur to high blood pressure, waist pain, fatigue.
2. Confirm the cause and get a accurate diagnosis.
There are many causes for the glomerulonephritis. All systemic disease can lead to nephritis, especially some immune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, infection, lupus erythematosus and medicine and so on. In addition, long time indiscipline life, unreasonable diet, and cold can also lead to glomerulonephritis
3. After judging the condition, people should get a regular treatment.
Every case has a different condition. Doctor will make a specific treatment schedule according to patients’ symptoms, such as the levels of proteinuria or hematuria, swelling, high blood pressure, kidney function. Natural Immune Balance Therapy in Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital is mainly using Traditional Chinese Medicine together with Western Medicine. Western medicine can eliminate the symptoms and Traditional Chinese Medicine will repair the renal intrinsic cells from the root, and thus achieve the best efficacy.
4. Having a regular diet.

Many patients with Glomerulonephritis have a misunderstanding that glomerulonephritis will recover after treating. However, the diet and health care are also important during the treating process and prognosis.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Which Hospital Can Treat Renal Insufficiency?

Generally speaking, Renal Insufficiency is disease in the kidneys leading to renal function working abnormally. In many people’s view, Renal Insufficiency means renal failure, no hope to cure. Actually, Renal Insufficiency can be divided into 5 stages. The fifth stage of Renal Insufficiency is called renal failure. At this stage, patients must rely on dialysis to maintain life firstly and then wait for the new kidney. Nowadays, with the progression of medical technology and the improvement of medical equipment, Renal Insufficiency is not yet the incurable disease. Which Hospital can treat the Renal Insufficiency?
Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital, as the only one authorized fully-good first class and largest specialized kidney disease hospital, has had the professional expert team, mastered the advanced medical technology and equipped the advanced medical device. In the development process, this hospital is always devoted to cooperation exchange with well-known hospital and famous experts and has signed mutual support-cooperation agreement with many famous hospitals and medical colleges. The hospital, depending on the exquisite skills and excellent service, not only receives public praise, but also attracts some famous people and foreigners coming to see doctor.
After 30 years’ research and clinical trials, the experts in Beijing Yumei Kidney Hospital has created Natural Immune Balance System. If it can be used together with Kidney Recovery Series Classical Secrete Preparation, which make Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine treatment reach a perfect combination, it will receive a wonderful effect for the Renal Insufficiency treatment. Natural Immune Balance System has been applied patents in dozes of countries, receiving international medical acclaim, and been placed into the international promotion plan, which has promoted the status of Traditional Chinese Medicine treating kidney disease. The Natural Immune Balance System is welcomed by more and more patients with kidney disease at home and abroad.

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How to Prevent Glomerulonephritis Developing to Uremia?

Glomerulonephritis is a common kidney disease. Seemingly, it refers to inflammation reaction on the kidneys, but differing from other inflammation. Glomerulonephritis is also an immune disease. Kidneys occur to pathological lesion and it needs to be repaired timely. The expert points out that the early symptoms of nephritis are commonly slight, and easy to be ignored. Many patients develop to end-stage kidney disease due to not enough attention, which increase the treatment difficulty.
How to detect Glomerulonephritis at the early time and avoid progressing to Uremia?
According to statistics, more than half cases of Uremia are from Glomerulonephritis progression. And Glomerulonephritis is one of the main inducing factors for Uremia. So, how to prevent Glomerulonephritis progressing to Uremia? The experts indicate that the key is to confirm the Glomerulonephritis cause, detect the symptoms, treat it positively and strength the treatment effect.
1. Discover Glomerulonephritis symptoms at the early time.
The clinic symptoms are not obvious at the early stage. Commonly it indicates swelling, proteinuria and hematuria, some case may occur to high blood pressure, waist pain, fatigue.
2. Confirm the cause and get a accurate diagnosis.
There are many causes for the glomerulonephritis. All systemic disease can lead to nephritis, especially some immune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, infection, lupus erythematosus and medicine and so on. In addition, long time indiscipline life, unreasonable diet, and cold can also lead to glomerulonephritis
3. After judging the condition, people should get a regular treatment.
Every case has a different condition. Doctor will make a specific treatment schedule according to patients’ symptoms, such as the levels of proteinuria or hematuria, swelling, high blood pressure, kidney function. Natural Immune Balance Therapy in Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital is mainly using Traditional Chinese Medicine together with Western Medicine. Western medicine can eliminate the symptoms and Traditional Chinese Medicine will repair the renal intrinsic cells from the root, and thus achieve the best efficacy.
4. Having a regular diet.

Many patients with Glomerulonephritis have a misunderstanding that glomerulonephritis will recover after treating. However, the diet and health care are also important during the treating process and prognosis.

Friday, February 7, 2014

What is the Cause of Kidney Cysts?

The cause of the kidney cyst has been a common concerned question for many people. Now following the the expert in Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital, we have a good understanding of it. The cause of Kidney Cysts includes:
1. Diet:
For people with Kidney Cysts, they should go to the regular hospital to receive the professional and systematic treatment. In diet, the patients should have a scientific and regular diet habit, and don’t do it blindly. The bad diet habit may worsen patients’ disease condition. The mainly factors are nutritional deficiencies produced by excessive hungry, excessive full bilge made the spleen and stomach’s digestion and absorption function damaged and lead to obstacle of Qi and blood circulation; excessive eating too much food containing fat and sugar. Bean and bean products should be limited for patients with Kidney Cysts .
2. Toxin.
The virus infection can bring a large detriment to people’s life.Toxin affecting the body may damage the cell tissues and thus lead to disease onset, even threat to the people’s life. Toxin is also one of the main causes for gene mutation and congenital immature development.
3. Congenital immature development.
Congenital immature development is also one of the important factor for the onset of Kidney Cysts. Congenital immature development can result in many diseases, such as Medullary Sponge Kidneys, Dysplastic Polycystic Kidneys and so on. It is different from genetic inheritance or gene mutations. Commonly, the gene in congenital immature is normal.
4. All kinds of infection

Infection can lead to internal environment occur abnormal change and thus create a environmental condition for cystic genic change. Bacterial infection, upper respiratory tract infection, urinary infection, skin infection, trauma infection and device infection, all these infections may make a big difference for cysts.

What is the Sign and Symptom for Kidney Cysts?

Most patients with Kidney Cysts have no symptoms and the physical examination also reveals normal. Occasionally a mass can be touched by percussion. If the cyst happened infection, the patients may have the pressing pain in rib and abdomen. Some patients may occur the following symptoms due to the pressure increasing or the infection in the cyst.
1. Discomfort or pain in the abdomen: the reason is because of kidney enlargement or dilation,which made the Kidney capsular tension increasing and kidney pedicle pulling or press the near organs. In addition, more cysts in kidney lead to kidney heavier due to the water contented in the kidney may also lead to waist pain. The feature of the pain is latent and dull in one side or both sides, radiating to lower part and back. If there is bleeding or secondary infection in the cysts may worsen the waist. The patients may occur renal colic If it is accompanying with stone or urinary obstruction by the blood clot after bleeding.
2. Hematuria: it can be manifested gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria with a periodic onset. The patient may have the serious pain when the disease is onset, and vigorous exercise, trauma and infection can induce hematuria or deteriorate it . The bleeding cause is because there are many arteries under the cyst wall and the pressure increasing or accompanying with infection made the blood vessels in the cyst wall broken resulted bleeding due to excessive pulling.
3. Mass in the abdomen: sometimes, it is the main reason for patients to see doctor. 60%-80% of the patients may touch enlarging kidneys. Commonly, the bigger the kidneys are, the worse the kidney function will be.
4. Proteinuria: commonly, the proteinuria volume is less than 2g per 24 hours, the patients may not occur Nephrotic Syndrome.
5. High blood pressure: due to cysts pressing kidney, it may lead to renal ischemia and renin secretion increasing, resulting in high blood pressure. When the kidney function is in normal, there are more than 50% of patients may have high blood pressure. When the kidney function is decreasing, the occurrence rate of high blood pressure will be much more

6. Kidney function decrease: the kidney function may have progressively decrease due to the cysts occupation, pressing, which makes the normal renal tissue reducing significantly.

The Best Treatment Method for Lupus Nephritis

Lupus Nephritis is a kind of serious kidney disease, which will affect body functioning, and threat to life. But how can treat Lupus Nephritis? What is the best treatment method for Lupus Nephritis?
For the treatment of Lupus Nephritis, the western medicine treatment is often using adrenal cortical hormone and cytotoxic drugs, such as Cyclophosphamide, azathioprine. Combining both drugs can reduce dosage of hormone, the treatment course and the side-effects. Even so, Lupus Nephritis is still getting the better treatment and renal tissue is still damaged. What’s more, once patients catch a cold or expose under the sunlight or ultraviolet rays directly, it is easy to recur. And, the recurrence will worsen the kidney damage and the condition.
What is the best treatment method for Lupus Nephritis? Experts suggest: for the treatment of Lupus Nephritis, Traditional Chinese Medicine is more emphasizing individuals’ treatment based on syndrome differentiation. One individual will present different Chinese medical syndromes at different stages, as well as prescriptions. Different patients also present different Chinese medical syndromes at the same stage. Sometimes, some Chinese medical mechanism will be throughout from beginning to end in the treatment process of Lupus Nephritis, such as heat toxin
accumulating inside, internal static blood obstruction. So in the treatment process, the treatment should be based on syndrome differentiation ann combine the mechanism features. As the saying, combination of syndrome and disease differentiation is the best treatment method.

Tell your condition to the experts, they will give your the answer.

Seven Early Signs for Chronic Kidney Disease

Some people always think his or her body is well, but when they go to hospital due to some visible discomfort, they will be diagnosed with Uremia, and also accompanying with serious complications. Actually, most of Uremia cases are from early Chronic Kidney Disease progression, because of the latent onset for Chronic Kidney Disease. However, how can we know Chronic Kidney Disease at the early stage? Here, the experts in our hospital summarized several early signs for Chronic Kidney Disease:
1. Swelling in the eyelid or face in the morning.
When the swelling becomes serious, it will pass to ankles, legs and lower back. Commonly, these symptoms will be worsening after heavy labor and relieving after having a break.
2. Foam in the urine for a long time.
It indicates that there are a large amount of proteins in the urine.
3. Urine color change.
The normal urine color is like beer. If the urine color is like strong tea or soy color, people should go to hospital to have a urine examination.
4. Blood pressure is increasing.
Some people have high blood pressure for a long time, and they haven’t been aware of dizziness and headache. Only through measuring it, they can judge the blood pressure.
5. Unknown waist pain
6. Too much or too less urine volume.
For healthy people, the urine volume is 1500 ml/d, and 4-8 times every day. If without the condition of fever, much sweating and drinking, the urine volume is sudden increasing or decreasing, people should go to see doctor as soon as possible.
7. Nocturia(urination during night).

Usually, people at the age of below 60 years old have no nocturia. If young people have increasing nocturia, it is possibly the early signs of poor kidney function.