Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Treatment for Children with Nephrotic Syndrome

As to the treatment of Children Nephrotic Syndrome, the common treatment is to use drugs to control the symptoms: for example, the common drugs to control the proteinuria are glucocorticoid(prednison, prednisolone ) and cytotoxic drugs (cyclophosphamide) or immunosuppressive drugs (Cyclosporin A, tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, leflunomide ); for the edema, the common drug is diuresis; for the hypercoagulable state, the common drug is anticoagulation or antiplatelet aggregation, such as heparin, dipyridamole. Although the symptoms are controlled, the renal tissues are still in the damaged state, and there may be some side-effects and complications after using these western medicine, especially steroid drugs, such as fat metabolic disorder, patients presenting obesity, abnormal fat distribution; glucose metabolic disorder will lead to high glucose and glycosuria.because patients are in growing period, the western medicine may affect children’s growth and development, especially for the height. However, Traditional Chinese Medicine cannot only treat the Nephrotic Syndrome from the root, but also regulate patients’ other organs.

For the treatment of Children Nephrotic Syndrome, the Chinese Medicine Medicated Bath Therapy in Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital has a remarkable effect. Chinese Medicine Medicated Bath Therapy is a treatment method of putting the whole body or parts of the body into the bath liquids, using electromagnetism to ionize the medicine and guide it into the lesions. Its main mechanism is treating disease with medicated bath by promoting circulation of Qi and blood, strengthening genuine Qi to eliminate pathogenic factors. Using this method to stimulate the skin, meridian and acupoint to absorb and osmose the medicine to the lesions. It has a special effect to organism immunity and genuine Qi regulating. Recently, we have imported tens bathing equipment and seventy other Chinese medicine external equipment to meet patients’ need.

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