Sunday, February 23, 2014

Is Lower Back Pain Indicating Kidney Problem?

Lower back pain is a common signs of kidney disease. When people feel that they have lower back pain, they think it is kidney problem. Is lower back pain indicating kidney problem? The experts in Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital tell us:

Patients with kidney disease often have lower back pain. For example, when patients have Acute Pyelonephritis, kidney emboli, Obstructive Kidney Disease, rapid enlargement of kidney and suppurative inflammation around kidneys, they will appear violent lower back pain. But not all patients with kidney problem will have this symptom, such as Acute and Chronic Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and so on, they often just have slight discomfort or soreness of waist; few of them appear violent lower back pain. In addition, other disease can also lead to lower back pain, such as lumbar muscle strain, lumbar hyperosteogeny, lumber sprain and women’s pelvic lesions (pelvic inflammation, annexitis and so on). So not all lower back pains are indicating kidney problem. Patients should go to hospital to take examination to confirm the reason.

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