Wednesday, February 26, 2014

High Serum Creatinine Level

Serum creatinine is the metabolic product of muscle. It is mainly removed through glomerular filtration. When the serum creatinine is higher than the normal range, it indicates that kidney function has been damaged. Kidney damage will lead to serum creatinine unable to discharge from the body, which will make serum creatinine increasing.

When the kidney is damaged, the renal cells will appear inflammation, and the glomerular filtration will become weak. The serum creatinine is unable to discharge from the body through kidneys, and it will accumulate in the blood, resulting in serum creatinine increasing. At the same time, patients also have high blood pressure, severe swelling and other symptoms. So, when serum creatinine is increasing in the test reports, patients should go to hospital to find the reason, and receive the correct treatment, which can prevent further kidney damage.

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