Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Diet Precautions of Patients with Polycystic Kidney Dise

Polycystic Kidney Disease means numerous cysts on the kidneys. It is a common genetic kidney disease. Its general treatment is diet nursing. For the diet precautions, expert points out two aspects: something harmful food and something helpful food.
The harmful food includes:
1. Alcoholic beverage: especially liquor. Patients with PKD should give up drinking. Because the liquor has a serious irritation for kidneys. And also, it can irritate the protein activity of polycysts and accelerate the cyst growth
2. Lacto-fermented foods: the lacto-fermented food refers to the fungus fermentation food, such as soy cheese, rotten eggs. Avoiding eating these foods will slow down the cyst growth.
3. High protein food: for all kidney disease, patients should have a low protein diet to avoid synthesizing nitrogen metabolism, which can reduce the kidneys’ excretion, such as soybean, tofu and other bean products
4. Animals’ internal organs: the cooked food of animals’ internal organs is not suitable for patients with PKD, particularly the animals’ liver. Because much toxin are left over the liver and kidneys, especially in the liver because of its function of detoxifying. If patients eat this, it will overload kidney’s burden and worsen the condition.
5. Forbid coffee and chocolate.
The helpful food includes:
1. Fruit and vegetables with high vitamin
2. Fruit and vegetables with rich ferrum, such as carrot
3. Vegetables that can dissolve the stones such as black fungus
4. Food with the diuresis ability

5. Base-forming food can assist the treatment

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