Sunday, December 29, 2013

What is the Treatment for Chronic Kidney Insufficiency?

What is the Treatment for Chronic Kidney Insufficiency?
For the treatment of Chronic Kidney Insufficiency, the experts in our hospital will make a systematic disease assessment for each patient, and then according to their real disease condition and physical condition to make a treatment schedule,which is suitable for the patients’ own situation. Commonly, our treatment will be done by three steps;
First is the Basic Treatment. Based on patients’requirements, use western medicine and Chinese herbal medicine to control the clinical symptoms, such as lowering down the creatinine level, eliminating protein and blood in the urine, relieving the edema and control the complications, which will create a good treatment environment for the next step.
Second is the Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment. Our hospital is the only one top-class kidney disease specialty hospital in China. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment is our character. It includes Chinese herbal medicine treatment and Traditional Chinese medicine external treatment. We have more than ten kinds of Traditional Chinese Medicine external treatment methods, which can meet the requirement of different patients came from different countries with the different cultures.
Third is the Consolidation Treatment. Usually after one month treatment the patients will have a visible effect and greatly improvement. At such condition the patients can discharge and take the medicine for home treatment to consolidate the effect, which can also reduce patients economic burden and mental pressure.

Many years clinical practice has proven that the integration of Western medicine treatment and Traditional Chinese medicine treatment treating kidney disease is a scientific and effective method. It can not only cure the kidney disease correctly and systematically and make patients recovery, but also avoid other organs injuring during the medication treatment. Our treatment has helped many patients from different countries to relieve their kidney disease and get back to the healthy. And our hospital has enjoyed a good reputation in the international kidney disease treatment .

Chronic Kidney Insufficiency

Chronic Kidney Insufficiency
Chronic Kidney Insufficiency refers to primary kidney disease or secondary kidney disease continuous progression leading to kidney function continuous decrease until to renal failure, and thus occurs to metabolic product retention, water, electrolyte, acid-base balance disorder and all organs and tissues involvements and such a series of clinical syndrome.
The Clinical Stages of Kidney Insufficiency
National Standard
StagesCcr (ml/min)Creatinine (umol/L)
Renal function compensatory stage50--80133--177
Renal function decompensatory period20--50 186--442
Renal failure stage10--20 451--707
Uremia stage below10Above 707
International Standard
stagesymptomsGFR ml/minPrevention and treatment measures
stage IKidney disease occurring> 90 Relieve symptoms and reduce CKD progression
Stage IIGFR slight decrease60--89 Evaluate and reduce CKD progression, reduce cardiovascular complications
Stage III GFR middle decrease30--59 Reduce CKD progression and treating complications
Stage IVGFR severe decrease15--29 Systemic treatment and preparing dialysis
Stage V GFR(kidney failure)<15 If occurring to Uremia, patients should receive dialysis timely.
The Pathogenesis of Chronic Kidney Insufficiency
The essence of Chronic Kidney Insufficiency is kidney pathological changes. The final reason is intrinsic cells damage due to various factors and then it caused fibrous tissue proliferation, resulted to glomerular sclerosis and interstitial fibrosis, normal kidney structure damaged and functional nephron replaced by fibrous tissues. The decline level of renal function and renal fibrosis is in direct proportion.
The Factors Which Can Worsen Kidney Insufficiency Progression.
1. Hypertension: hypertension may not only accelerate kidney damage progression, but also may damage heart, brain and other vital organs.
2. Proteinuria: large volume of proteinuria may worsen the damage of glomerular and tubular, promote the progression of glomerulosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis.
3. High protein diet: high protein diet may cause high glomerular filtration and high tubular metabolism. If the Urine Protein ++ continues for one year, the GFR may decrease 10%-20%.
4. in function of Uremia: such as Methylguanidine, Parathyrin and henols, they all have toxin to kidneys.
5. erlipidemia: Hyperlipidemia may cause damage to glomerular mesangial cell and endotheliocyte cells and stimulate mesangial cell secreting extracellular matrix or induce glomerular mesangial cells apoptosis.
6. Chronic Hypoxia: Chronic Hypoxia may activate Angiotension II and certain growth factors and induce extracellular matrix increasing and then accelerate tubular---interstitial damage which plays an important role in renal tissue sclerosis and fibrosis.
7. Glomerular ischemia: the role of glomerular ischemia in interstitial fibrosis has been stressed. And it is also closely related with tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis.
The Dangerous Factors Which Can rapidly Worsen Chronic Kidney Insufficiency.
1. The diseases involved to kidneys recurrence or worsen.
2. Hypovolemia, low blood pressure, dehydration, shock and so on.
3. The renal local blood supplement rapidly reduce, such as artery stenosis or use ACEI, ARB and such drugs
4. Tissue injury or massive hemorrhage.
5. Serious infection
6. Renal toxic drugs
7. Severe hypertension which is unable to control.
8. Urinary tract blocking
9. Others: such as hypercalcemia, hypercoagulable or hyperviscosity, serious malnutrition and so on.
The Clinical Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Insufficiency
For Chronic Kidney Insufficiency, according to different clinical stages, the clinical symptoms may involve to all systems in the whole body, from slight to severe, from less to more.
1. Balance disorder of Water and electrolyte: water metabolic disorder presents urine concentration decrease leading to nocturia increase and specific gravity decrease. The electrolyte disorder includes low sodium, high potassium, low calcium, high phosphorus and high magnesium and so on.
2. Acid-base balance disorder: all patients with kidney failure may have different levels of metabolic acidosis, may have fatigue, poor appetite, the blood PH decline and HCO3 decline
3. Anemia: all patients with kidney failure have different levels of anemia.Generally speaking, the level of anemia is coinciding with the level of the disease. If the anemia is occurring earlier in interstitial damage, and the degree of the damage is not coinciding.
4. Hypertension: most of patients with kidney failure have different levels of hypertension, some of them may have refractory hypertension.
5. Heart insufficiency: it is the common complication and death cause.
6. Digestive system disorder: patients may have anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding and so on.
7. Respiratory system: when the patient is in serious acidosis, they may have deep respiration, and pulmonary edema
8. Nerve and mental disorder: patients may have uremic encephalopathy, peripheral neuropathy, its manifestation is restless legs syndrome.
9. Metabolic & endocrine disorder: The manifestation is metabolic disorder of carbohydrate-lipid-protein.
The Treatment of Chronic Kidney Insufficiency.
1. The general treatment: patients should pay attention to the diet, following the principle of ‘five low and one high’ (five low means: low potassium, low salt, low phosphorus, low lipid, low protein; one high means: high vitamin), pay attention to have rest and not catch cold and so on.
2. Symptomatic treatment:
1) To correct acidosis: when the carbon dioxide combing power is at 16--13mmol/L, patients may take some sodium bicarbonate and such alkaline drugs by oral taken or by vein injecting .
2) To correct low calcium and hyperkalemia: The common calcium supplement drugs include: calcium carbonate, Rocaltrol, Calcitriol, Caltrate and so on. Control hyperkalemia may use: oral taken ion-exchange resin, vein injecting calcium gluconate, intravenous drip 10% glucose 500 ml with 10 units insulin, and using diuresis to remove potassium. When the potassium is more than 6.5mmol/L, patients will prepare for dialysis.
3) To control hypertension: Some antihypertensive medicine can be used together, But one thing should be cared that when the serum creatinine is more than 264mmol/L, the ACEI and ARB should be used cautiously. It would be better if the blood pressure is to be controlled at 140/90 and 125/75
4) To correct Anemia: The common treatment is EPO subcutaneous injection and chalybeate supplying, etc.
5) To improve renal blood circulation: The common Chinese herbal drugs to promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis are: Salviae Miltiorrhizae, Flos Carthami, Herba Erigernotis and so on. The common western medicine is Sodium Ferulate,etc.
6) Treatment of other complications and primary diseases.

7) Dialysis: the indicators: for Diabetes, the creatinine is more than 530 mmol/L. For non-diabetes, the creatinine is more than 707 mmol/L, blood potassium more than 6.5 mmol/L, or patients have heart failure, refractory hypertension and so on.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Minimal Change Nephrosis

  Minimal Change Nephrosis (MCN) is also called Lipoid Nephrosis. It is characterized with the basically normal glomeruli under light microscope; and with glomerular epithelial podocytes enation, fusion and vanish, with no visible mesangial cell proliferation, the matrix broadening and immunoglobulin deposition under the electron microscope. The clinical manifestation of Minimal Change Nephrosis are often presenting as Nephritic Syndrome, such as: large volume of proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, hyperlipidemia and so on. Minimal Change Nephrosis is one of the most common glomerular disease in Children. MCN is sensitive to the glucocorticoids treatment with tendency of easy relieving and easy relapsing. For this disease the general prognosis is good, less of the patients (<5%) may progress to End Stage Kidney Failure.
  The cause of Minimal Change Nephrosis.
  Minimal Change Nephrosis can be divided into primary and secondary MCN. The cause of primary MCN is unknown. The cause of secondary MCN includes:
  Drugs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NASIDs), antibiotic (rifampicin, ampicillin, cefixime and so no), Interferon, gold and lithium compound, Methimazole, and Enalapril and so on.
  Infection: HIV, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Syphilis, Parasite (such as blood fluke) and so on.
  Tumor: Hodgkin’s Disease, Non-Hodgkin’s Disease, solid tumor, Acidophilic Cell- Lymphoma (Kumara Disease).
  Allergy: food, pollen, dust, insect biting and so on.
  Familial Minimal Change Nephrosis: at present, only reported that less families have the Familial Minimal Change Nephrosis, and the pathological gene is unclear.
  The Clinical Manifestation.
  1. Edema.
  The obvious edema is often the first manifestation of MCN. The most children patients present the facial edema, and the adult patients present obvious edema in lower limb.
  2. Proteinuria
  Patients present large volume of proteinuria, and they are often high-selectivity proteinuria, mainly are albumin. The urine protein will be more than 10g/d.
  3. Hypoalbuminemia
  The plasma albumin is often significantly declined. Some individuals patients (commonly to see in children) will be less than 10g/d. Hypoalbuminemia is closely related with amounts of protein lost.
  4. Hyperlipidemia
  Patients with MCN may appear lipid metabolic disorder, plasma cholesterol and triacylglycerol obvious increasing, serum showing chyle color. The patients with hyperlipidemia usually have lipid urine.
  5. Blood Pressure Change
  The patients with obvious hypoalbuminemia and effective circulating blood volume decrease may appear orthostatic hypotension, pulselessness and so on. Meanwhile, some patients may appear temporary hypertension.
  6. Hematuria (blood in the urine)
  About 20% of the patients may appear microscopic hematuria.
  7. Kidney Function Change.
  Most of the patients have a normal kidney function. Less of them may accompany with Prerenal Azotemia due to obvious edema. Some individual patients may appear serious Acute Kidney Failure without obvious inducements. Such disease is called Idiopathic Acute Kidney Failure.
  Diagnosis and Differentiation
  Minimal Change Nephrosis (MCN) is the pathological diagnosis. MCN often has the typical clinical manifestation of Nephrotic Syndrome, that is: large volume of proteinuria (≥3.5g/d), Hypoproteinemia (≤30g/L), severe edema and hyperlipidemia. The pathological feature is: under the light microscope, the glomeruli are basically normal; fatty degeneration can be seen in the epithelial cells of proximal convoluted tubule; the immune pathological test is negative; under electronic microscope, there are broad masses glomerular epithelial foot processes disappeared, and there is no electron dense deposition in the glomeruli are the main diagnosis basis .
  For MCN patients, especially for adult patients, they must carefully detect and exclude the factors for secondary MCN, such as drugs, tumor, infection and allergy, which can only diagnose primary MCN.
  To clarify the diagnosis of MCN must rely on the pathological diagnosis of renal biopsy. It is not difficult to make the diagnosis according to the clinical symptoms and laboratory examination (including renal pathology) result. For children Nephrotic Syndrome patients, they may not consider to do renal biopsy at first. They may receive the glucocorticoid treatment regarding as MCN. If they are steroid-resistant and steroid-dependent, they need to do renal biopsy. For adult Nephrotic Syndrome patients, MCN is not their main pathological type, when they can’t make the diagnosis of MCN according to the clinical symptoms , it is necessary for them to do the renal biopsy.
  1. General Treatment
  The patient at the period of large volume of proteinuria, they should mostly keep stay on the bed or do some proper activities around the bed so as to to prevent the deep venous thrombosis. Patients with obvious edema should have a low salt diet.
  2. Diuretic Treatment
  For patients with low response of glucocorticoid and refractory edema, they can use Thiazide for diuretics, the common drug is hydrochlorothiazide. If the effect is not so good, they can use together with Potassium- sparing diuretics, such as Spirolactone, Triamterene and so on, If it is still not good, it can change to Loop Diuretics.
  3. Anticoagulant Therapy
  Thrombus and embolism are the common complications of Nephrotic Syndrome. If the patient plasma albumin is < 20g/L, they need to give conventional anticoagulant (such as low molecular heparin subcutaneous injection or taking oral warfarin) and platelet aggregation drugs(dipyridamole or taking oral aspirin). If patients are conformed to have the complications of thrombus and embolism, they need to give anticoagulant treatment as soon as possible.
  4 Acute Kidney Failure Treatment.
  For less of MCN patients, their pathogeny of Acute Kidney Failure cannot be found, it can be called MCN complications of idiopathic Acute Kidney Failure. If patients with such disease can be treated correctly and in time, most of them can get complete or better recovery.
  The treatment measures are as the followings:
  ① Loop diuretic: For patients with good response to loop diuretic should use a large dosage of loop diuretic so that it can break the blockage of tubular casts;
  ② Hemodialysis: If patients have no response for diuretic, and need dialysis, they should do dialysis to maintain the life, and to do some proper dehydration after complementing the plasma products in order to reduce the renal interstitial edema;
  ③ The primary disease treatment: For most patients their pathological type is MCN so they should be treated positively;
  ④ Alkalization of urine: Patients can take sodium bicarbonate alkaline by oral to alkalize the urine and reduce the formation of casts.
  5 Special Treatment
  (1) Glucocorticoid: Using the Glucocorticoid to treat MCN, most patients have a good effective and a quick respond. But with the increasing of the patient ages, the effect of Glucocorticoid has will be decreased. So the Glucocorticoid has effect in treating MCN but it is very easy to relapse. In order to reduce the relapsing rate, in China, usually we will use large dosage at the beginning and then gradually reduce the dosage and maintain the dosage for long term.
  (2) Cyclophosphamide (CTX): The cyclophosphamide treatment may use oral taken or intravenous injection method. Such kind of medicine may induce the relapsing kidney disease to get a long time or complete relieving and reduce its relapse. The doctor should pay more attention to the side-effects of CTX and give the treatment these symptoms, such as total number white blood cells reducing, hair loss, gastrointestinal reaction, hemorrhagic cystitis, gonad damage and so on; And try to avoid the large dosage of CTX cause gonad toxicity, which may lead to the serious side-effects of male infertility and tumor.
  (3) Cyclosporin A (CsA): The CsA treatment is suitable for patients of Hormone-dependence and Hormone-resistance.
  (4) Other Immunosuppressors: There is the report of effective treatment of Mycophenloate Mofetil and Tacrolimus (FK506) for MCN.
  6 The characteristic treatment in our hospital
  In our hospital, for the treatment of MCN, besides using some conventional treatments, in order to improve the patient’s kidney function, adjust their immunity and blood circulation, the doctors will ask the patients receive some characteristic Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Treatments, such as: TCM Physiotherapy and Osmotherapy. This is a series of internal and external treatments of Natural Immune Balance Therapy. It is a kind of natural treatment with no gastrointestinal absorption and metabolism of liver and kidneys, no pains and no trauma. Together with the clinical practice it has composed an integrative treatment, which has achieved the effects of curing kidney disease both internal and external, coordinating and co-compensating each other, consolidating the treatment effect.
  For each patient, after the physical examination, the expert doctors will make up a treatment schedule for them according to their examination results and their disease condition, 10 days is one treatment course, commonly, the patient will receive 2 courses continuously treatment, for patient in special condition, their treatment may prolong or stop according to their illness condition.

  Compared Minimal Change Nephrosis with other pathological types of Nephrotic Syndrome, it may have a good prognosis. More than 70% of children patients have no kidney damage and abnormal urine test after they entered adulthood; And more than 90% of adults patients may keep a normal kidney function for more than 10 years.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Renal Failure

  Renal Failure As a matter of fact renal failure is usually divided into acute renal failure and chronic
  renal failure two kinds.Acute renal failure characterized by short time nitrogen mass water
  elevated serum creatinine and acid-base balance disorders,and systemic complications of each
  system.The main cause of chronic renal failure is based on kidney disease,such as diabetic
  nephropathy,heypertensive glomerular sclerosis, glomerulonephritis,renal tubular interstital
  lesions,hereditary kidney disease,renal vascular lesions and so one.
  Most of the patients with kidney failure can produce such doubt that the root cause of why
  his kidney would gradually lose function.what is the sensitive factors making it easier for
  the normal people suffering from kidney disease?We can use what kind of measures to control
  or slow down the occurence of disease,development and even worse.? This is why we want to
  discuss the cause of renal failure reason.From the fundamental up to avoid reducing the
  occurence of kidney disease.
  Just as the saying goes:”Rome is not build in a day”.The development of renal failure
  mid-late stage of the kidney disease is also not formed in a day.Lifestyle is one of the
  important fact in determining that person’s disease.If you often stay up late,to do heavey
  manual labor,do not pay attention to diet and rest,often catch a cold,it must cause enough
  attention.All about these can destroy our immune system,long in turn,affacts our kidney.If
  early kidney disease has not brought to the enough attention renal failure perhaps,in a step

  to step,go to our side.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cells treatment for Chronic Kidney Failure

Cells treatment for Chronic Kidney Failure
Chronic Kidney Failure is a clinical syndrome composed by a series of kidney function damage symptoms and metabolic disorder. Once patients progress to chronic kidney failure, the only treatment method is kidney transplantation. However, kidney transplantation also has risks, such as rejection response and complications after transplantation. For patients with Diabetic Nephropathy, kidney transplantation will not be recommended in our hospital. Because the recurring rate for diabetic nephropathy is more higher than patients with other kidney diseases after transplantation, and the wound healing will take a long time. However, is there any better way to treat chronic kidney failure?

With the improvement of medical equipment and development of medical technology, cell treatment come to people’s view. The cell treatment is commonly stem cell treatment. Stem cell is a kind of original cell with the ability of self-replication and multiple differentiation potential. For the treatment of kidney disease, on one hand, stem cell can produce new glomerular capillary endothelial cell, visceral cell and repair glomerular basement membrane and filtration membrane, improve glomerular filtration function and increase glomerular filtration rate, which can improve the symptoms of abnormal urine, high blood pressure, swelling caused by glomerular disease. On the other hand, stem cell can differentiate into immune balance cells, such as Ts cells, Th cells to balance immune response and remove the factors for renal tubular damage, avoid the persistent damage for glomeruli and prevent its progression to kidney failure.

The stem cell treatment for kidney disease is from cell levels, through producing all kinds of renal cells to recover renal physiological function. Stem cell treatment for chronic kidney failure has an excellent effect. Comparing to kidney transplantation, without the requirement of match and operation,stem cell treatment has a better effect.

Side-effects of Hormone Treatment for Kidney Disease

In the process of kidney disease treatment, hormone treatment is often the basic treatment. Although hormone can relieve symptoms within a short time, there are many side-effects. Long-term using or irregular using hormone will easily occur to adverse reaction. Kidney disease experts will tell us what the side-effects of hormone are.

1. Complicating or worsening infection.
This is often seen in patients with heavy condition and weak physique. Patients have had a poor resistance, and hormone restrain the body’s defense function, which will be conducive to bacterium occurrence and dissemination, such as mycobacterium tuberculosis, fungus and virus infection. Therefore, when patients take a long time hormone, they should alert complicating infections. hormone can cover some infection symptoms, which will easily misdiagnose.
2. Resulting in water-electrolyte disorder.
Hormone can result in diuresis. But at the start period of treatment, the hormone will lead to the water-sodium retention before play a role of dieresis and worsen the swelling. hormone can improve calcium and phosphate excretion and reduce calcium absorption. Long-term using will lead to bone rarefaction, spontaneous fracture and aseptic necrosis of femoral head.
3. Digestive system complications
Hormone can result in peptic ulcer and even induce bleeding and perforation.
4. Neuropsychiatric symptoms
Hormone can result in excitement and insomnia.
5. Inhibiting growth and development.
This condition is often seen in children with long-term using hormone.
6. Hypercortisolism
Such as central obesity, moon-shaped face, acne, polytrichia, hypokalemia, high blood pressure, and diabetes and so on.
7. Others

Long-term using hormone may induce cataract, glaucoma, wound malunion, thrombosis and embolism, hyperhidrosis, night sweat and menstrual disorder

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Proper Diet Suggestion for Nephrotic Syndrome patients

As we all know, a reasonable diet is not only beneficial for patients’ health, but also plays an important role of slowing down the progression of nephritic syndrome. However, in our daily life, some kidney disease  patients do not pay attention to their diet, therefore, here, our expert will give you some useful diet suggestion.

1. Sodium Intake
If nephritic syndrome patients have serious edema, on this occasion, a low sodium diet is recommended greatly to them. In general, a reasonable amount of sodium is less than 2g everyday.

2. Protein Intake
In the stage of nephritic syndrome, patients must pay close attention to the protein intake as both high protein intake and low protein intake are harmful. On the one hand, high protein intake can increase urine protein of nephritic syndrome patients and worsen kidney condition. On the other hand, low protein intake may affect patients’ physical condition and the resistance of patients will decrease as well. So finding out how much of protein to ingest everyday is so vital for nephritic syndrome patients.

3.  Fat Intake
Generally speaking, nephritic syndrome patients always have hyperlipemia, thus they should limit animal offal and some seafood which are rich in cholesterol and fat strictly.

4. Microelement
As we all know that fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin and microelement, so patients with nephritic syndrome should take appropriate fruits and vegetables in order to supplement the missing microelement.

Monday, December 9, 2013

The reason for the high urinary protein , what does ?

About the reasons for the high urinary protein in question what has long been plagued believe everyone , many people have vague high urine protein indicates that our kidneys may have been a problem. But there are reasons for the high urinary protein which problem is not very clear , the following description of experts take a look at it!

The reason for the high urinary protein 1,24 hour urine protein of normal reference value of 10 to 150 mg. If 150 to 500 mg of microalbuminuria , > 500 mg for clinical proteinuria. Tip microalbuminuria in early diabetic nephropathy , need long-term control of blood glucose , to reverse or delay the incidence of nephropathy and retinopathy development has a certain significance.

The reason for the high urinary protein 2 , urinary albumin excretion rate (uAE) normal reference value < 15 micrograms / min. Early diabetic nephropathy , glomerular basement membrane damage is light, so that only albumin leakage. Early diabetic nephropathy uAE 15 to 200 micrograms / min, clinical diabetic nephropathy > 200 micrograms / min. Experts have reported significant proteinuria in diabetic nephropathy , almost 100% of diabetic retinopathy. When diabetics uAE30 micrograms / min, may be the key moment of microvascular complications of diabetes prevention . After the strict control of blood glucose, urine albumin early diabetic nephropathy can be reversed or partially reversed .

The reason for the high urinary protein , what does ?
By introducing these experts, we are not all clear yet , kidney specialists remind you: any one person is a part of the family , friends, busy work, health is equally important . Want to make your own life better , then have a healthy body is a top priority . Our nephrologist day online , you can consult our experts free .

High urine protein is how it happened Cause

High urine protein is how it happened ? Many people in life have appeared symptoms of urinary protein is high , for that matter , many people are confused. So, in the end the high urinary protein is how it happened ? I hope the following description can give us some help .

For high urine protein is how problems , experts say , proteinuria as chronic nephritis most common clinical manifestations . For a long time , has been considered the result of kidney disease. In fact , the amount of urinary protein and abnormal is not only an indicator of disease , but as an independent factor involved in the process of kidney disease . The study also found that the speed levels and a variety of chronic renal failure, nephrotic proteinuria progress is closely related to be able to make any therapeutic intervention to reduce proteinuria are conducive to slow the progression of kidney disease.

High urine protein is how it happened ? Although proteinuria as an independent factor involved in the process of kidney disease , proteinuria can also damage the kidneys . Performance in the following areas :
1 , urine protein on mesangial cells have toxic effects , patients entering renal failure, there will be a large number of plasma protein deposition in mesangial areas, these macromolecules in mesangial deposition can cause system cell membrane damage , on cell proliferation and mesangial matrix production increase, leading to glomerulosclerosis ;

2 , urine protein can damage tubulointerstitial normal glomerular filtration of small amounts of small molecule protein is close reabsorption in renal tubular epithelial cells , decomposed in the lysosomes. Under pathological conditions , increased glomerular permeability to make a lot of plasma protein leakage into the tubule lumen , and proximal tubular epithelial cells leads to excessive reabsorption of albumin in the cytoplasm lysosomal activity increased , can cause cell damage ;
3 , proteinuria increased renal tubular reabsorption of protein to promote increased production of ammonia , the ammonia generated in the renal tissue during interstitial lesions also play a role. In addition, the re- absorb and digest large amounts of protein extra energy, which can cause tubule cells of oxygen, oxygen free radicals increases , causing a small tube cell damage.
High urine protein is how it happened ? Diseases caused by increased urinary protein What ?

[ Nephritis ] acute nephritis or chronic nephritis , the urine protein from day to tens of grams have a small amount .
[ Nephrotic syndrome ] day volume of urine will be a lot more than three grams of protein in the urine . When symptoms are severe , oozing of urine protein will reduce the concentration of protein in the blood . In addition , there are also a result of diabetic kidney disease, amyloidosis (AJnyloidosis), the situation caused by diseases such as collagen .

[ Renal sclerosis ] With the state of renal sclerosis induced hypertension , urinary protein excretion is reduced, mostly in 300 mg or less.
In addition, multiple myeloma, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis , gout, edema disease , such as mercury poisoning, lead poisoning disease , there will be urine protein .

High urine protein is how it happened ? When a situation occurs when higher urinary protein in urine routine examination , first stay calm , do not panic , this time is not necessarily a high urine protein pathological reasons. So the possibility of kidney disease should first investigation , if necessary, to do it again urine routine examination. Better inspections urinary protein , you must do the inspection. When re- inspection is still abnormal , we must accept the urinary sediment , check the number of red blood cells , white blood cell count , etc. , but also the implementation of the kidneys and urinary tract precision inspection , and a comprehensive systemic symptoms to diagnose whether there is kidney disease or any other disease. When you have kidney disease , but also do other renal function tests , do a comprehensive diagnosis. Diagnosis of cystitis, pyelonephritis, urinary tract infections , medication physician indicated .
High above for urine protein by how it related presentations , we hope to have some help . If you have any questions, or around other kidney disease patients also had a similar case, the patient's case suggested that it might submit information to this website experts with specific conditions to give you more detailed guidance and analysis. You can also click consulting kidney specialists , experts will be happy to help patients recover.

High urine protein is how experts interpret the matter

In constant development and social progress, people's living standard has been improved , we have more and more attention to their own health . So many people have the habit of regular physical examination , but when we discovered that their high urine protein when high urine protein did not know how it is, here I 'll tell you about the hospital experts proteinuria is how high going issues now !

For high urine protein is how going on , experts said, only a small amount of urine protein in urine during normal , routine qualitative examination was negative , 24-hour urine protein <100mg. When the urine within the urinary protein content than 150mg/24h, positive or conventional qualitative methods , called urinary proteinuria. Physiological urinary proteinuria seen in heat , cold, high temperature , strenuous exercise or labor, and orthostatic proteinuria in urine ; pathological proteinuria in urine for a variety of primary or secondary diseases caused by urinary proteinuria, urinary protein actually biased high is how it happened ? What are the reasons ?

Patients with high proteinuria , nephropathy should consider the most , because most likely lead to kidney urinary protein . Under normal circumstances , urine protein will be absorbed back situation if kidney damage occurs , the development of renal fibrosis in accordance with the principles that started renal fibrosis , renal functional decline back to the absorption occurs , it will leak some of urinary protein , resulting in produce urine protein , urinary protein high. Proteinuria is how high the patient's treatment is very helpful .

For a detailed description by the above is how high urinary protein , we are clear on this issue now ! Experts advise: patients with specific conditions for their own situation to find the reason for the high urinary protein , and thus take preventive measures , so as to play a real role in prevention. If you have additional questions, please consult the online experts . Finally, I wish you good health !

Patients with renal failure is how high urine protein ?

Urinary protein found in patients with renal failure is high when the examination how it happened? Impact on patients is very large, a lot of friends in high urinary protein finds himself did not care about the final result in a more severe consequences, then the partial proteinuria in patients with renal failure high is how it happened? this means that it? us listen to the experts associated introduce it .

Patients with renal failure is how high urine protein ? Mean renal cell damage kidney failure microalbuminuria great extent on the high side , but there are unexpected place, such as emission night before the next day 's morning urine has may contain protein . If the body has a problem , the situation is reflected in the urine protein should be more than one , there should be , red blood cells, hemoglobin . In order to be assured that everyone is better still to the hospital.

Urinary protein , blood Central Standing Committee have indispensable to human life activity protein exists. Patients with renal failure is how high urine protein ? Portion of protein filaments filters in the kidneys into the urine sphere , but it will be absorbed in the renal tubules and returned the blood. Therefore, if the kidney function is normal, the amount of protein in the urine that appears only a little , but when the kidneys and urinary disorders will appear leaking large amounts of protein becomes proteinuria.

Through the above correlation , I believe everyone on the high urinary protein in patients with renal failure is how it has a certain understanding of it, if you have questions or would like to learn more about kidney disease information , you can now free online consultation, experts will you make the most detailed description to help you solve the problem !

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How to improve Prognosis for Lupus Nephritis patients?

  As the major complication of SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus), Lupus Nephritis may show different prognosis. Well then, how to have a good prognosis for lupus nephritis patients?
  1. Keep Lupus Nephritis symptoms under control
  Since Lupus Nephritis prognosis can be affected by symptoms of proteinuria and symptoms, taking some medicines to bring these two symptoms under control is very helpful for improving Lupus Nephritis prognosis.
  2. Timely diagnosis and treatment
  Actually, not only Lupus Nephritis, the prognosis of many diseases is closely related with the severity of illness condition. Generally speaking, the severer the disease is, the poorer the prognosis is. Therefore, to have a good prognosis, timely diagnosis and treatment is necessary.
  3. Good nursing care
  Nursing care affects the recovery of Lupus Nephritis directly, so it is highly important to give Lupus Nephritis patients a good nursing care. Nursing care for Lupus Nephritis includes a scientific diet, a healthy life style and good emotion and so on.

  Good prognosis allows Lupus Nephritis patients to have a better life and also it helps to reduce many sufferings, so try to improve the prognosis is beneficial for Lupus Nephritis patients.

Can Lupus Nephritis patients eat Grapes?

  Grape is not only delicious but also rich in nutrition. Above all, grape is also a good choice for Lupus Nephritis patients or other kidney disease patients.
  1. Prevent anemia
  Lupus Nephritis patients usually have anemia since the impaired kidneys can not secrete enough erythropoietin to stimulate bone marrow to produce red blood cells. From this aspect, Lupus Nephritis patients can drink proper grape wine or eat grapes to treat anemia, and this is because grapes contain vitamin B12 which is able to fight malign anaemia. In this case, anemia in Lupus Nephritis can be alleviated to some extent.
  2. Grapes contribute to make a person regain his or her health
  Lupus Nephritis patients often have poor appetite. For a long time, their health conditions may become very bad due to malnutrition. In this case, they can eat some grapes or raisin which is helpful for them to regain health, which is because in grapes there are various nutritional ingredients, like protein, amino acid and mineral substances.
  3. Improve the quality of sleep
  Due to itchy skin in Lupus Nephritis, Lupus Nephritis patients often have poor sleep or even insomnia. They can not sleep well at night which will also affect their normal daily life. Eating some grapes contributes to improve their sleep quality and treat their insomnia.
  4. Prevent cardiovascular diseases occurrence
  Research has shown that grapes have better efficacy than aspirin to prevent thrombus formation and cause no side-effects or harms to your body. Besides, grapes can also decrease serum cholesterol level and the cohesion of platelets so as to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and lower the risk of heart diseases. Therefore, drinking grapes moderately can help protect heart functions and lower cardiovascular diseases.
  However, since grapes contain much sugar, patients with diabetes should not eat too many grapes. Otherwise, grapes will increase patients’ blood glucose level and deteriorate the diabetes.

  Lupus Nephritis patients had better eat grapes moderately so as not to produce reverse effects.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Do you know the Symptoms of Women Nephritis Patients?

  Women have higher incidence of suffering from chronic nephritis. Well then, do you know the symptoms of women nephritis patients?
  Generally speaking the symptoms and signs of weakened kidneys are thirsty, gloomy complexion, urinary frequency, urinary urgency, tiredness and pains in legs and back and in serious conditions there will be tinnitus, hematuria, blurred visions, etc.
  Women usually have lower community compared with men and they are more susceptible to some auto-immune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, etc. And when the immune system is damages there will definitely be kidney damages.
  Another reason is that the urinary tract in women is wider and straighter and it has direct connection with the bladder, so it is easy to catch infections and they are easy to have cystitis and urethritris. If these chronic diseases are not treated properly or timely, they will cause inflammations and infections in the kidneys, leading to chronic nephritis. That is why women have higher incidence of chronic nephritis than men.
  Take lupus nephritis for example. It mainly occurs to women of childbearing ages (20-40). It is characterized by large amounts of auto-immune complexes in the plasma and many systems and organs will be involved. The most common systemic symptoms are fever, arthritis and skin mucosa damages. Liver, heart, central nervous system and hemopoietic organs will be affected. More than 1/3 patients will have multiple serositis (pleura and pericardium).
  Besides these symptoms in the whole body, there are many symptoms and signs of kidney damages such as massive proteinuria, blood in urine and edema. Hypertension, reduced urine output and hypoalbuminemia are the main reasons of edema.

  Do you have any other questions? You can send an email to the experts in Funeng Kidney Disease Hospital:, or you also can call the phone number directly +86 536-8165000; our experts will reply you as soon as possible.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

 Nephrotic syndrome can be caused by a number of different diseases.

  Nephrotic syndrome can be caused by a number of different diseases. The common mechanism which seems to cause damage involves the immune system. For some reason, the immune system seems to become directed against the person’s own kidney. The glomeruli become increasingly leaky as various substances from the immune system are deposited within the kidney. A number of different kidney disorders are associated with nephrotic syndrome, including:
  • minimal change disease or MCD (responsible for about 80% of nephrotic syndrome in children, and about 20% in adults) MCD is a disorder of the glomeruli
  • focal glomerulosclerosis
  • membranous glomerulopathy
  • membranoproliferative glomerulonephropathy Other types of diseases can also result in nephritic syndrome. These include diabetes, sickle-cell anemia, amyloidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis, leukemia, lymphoma, cancer of the breast, colon, and stomach, reactions to drugs (including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, lithium, and street heroine), allergic reactions (to insect stings, snake venom, and poison ivy), infections (malaria, various bacteria, hepatitis

  B, herpes zoster, and the virus which causes AIDS), and severe high blood pressure. The first symptom of nephrotic syndrome is often foamy urine. As the syndrome progresses, swelling (edema) is noticed in the eyelids, hands, feet, knees, scrotum, and abdomen. The patient feels increasingly weak and fatigued. Appetite is greatly decreased. Over time, the loss of protein causes the muscles to become weak andsmall (called muscle wasting). The patient may note abdominal pain and difficulty breathing. Because the kidneys are involved in blood pressure regulation, abnormally low or abnormally high blood pressure may develop.

Pathophysiology of lupus nephritis needed.?

  Autoimmunity plays a major role in the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis. The immunologic mechanisms include production of autoantibodies directed against nuclear elements. These autoantibodies form pathogenic immune complexes. In the kidneys, deposition of these immune deposits initiates an inflammatory response by activating the complement cascade and recruiting inflammatory cells that can subsequently be observed on biopsy specimens. At least three potentially overlapping, immuno-pathogenic mechanisms are supported by experimental data. First, circulating immune complexes consisting chiefly of DNA and anti-DNA are deposited in the kidney. Resulting complement activation and chemotaxis of neutrophils leads to a local inflammatory process. Second, in situ formation of antigen and antibody complexes may similarly lead to complement activation and leucocyte mediated injury. Third, antibodies against specific cellular targets may produce renal injury.
  Symptoms related to active nephritis may include peripheral edema secondary to hypertension or hypoalbuminemia. Extreme peripheral edema is more common in persons with diffuse proliferative or membranous lupus nephritis because these renal lesions are commonly associated with heavy proteinuria.

How dangerous is Lupus Nephritis?

  Lupus nephritis is very dangerous. 40% of people with lupus will have it. A kidney biopsy is required to identify which of the World Health Organizaton (WHO) classes it is, because that determines the course of treatment. Left untreated, lupus nephritis can lead to kidney failure, dialysis, and the need for a tranpslant IF the patient qualifies. Typically, lupus nephritis is identified by protein or cellular casts in a routine urinalysis. It is NOT an infection. Lupus is NOT infectious. Lupus nephritis occurs when the autoimmune reactions cause problems in the glomerlui or little filters in the kidneys. The filters are supposed to catch protein and return it to the blood stream. In lupus nephritis, it allows the protein to spill into the urine.
  Lupus nephritis is treated with immunosuppressive chemotherapies. The WHO class determines what the nephrologist and rheumatologist will try. Unfortunately, not all drugs work the same way on all lupus patients.
  Cytoxan, in intravenous chemotherapy also used to treat breast cancer is sometimes used but in lower doses. Other patients will respond well to Cellcept, an anti rejection med that transplant patients take.
  I have lupus nephritis and also had a kidney biopsy. I have also been on Cellcept since October of 2003. My kidney function is pretty near normal and althought my rheumatologist has declared me to be in remission, I will remain on a low dose for life along with plaquenil, and well be monitored every three months for life.

  That's not a huge price to pay when you consider the alternative. I personally know two women with lupus nephritis in my city who died this year.