Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Proper Diet Suggestion for Nephrotic Syndrome patients

As we all know, a reasonable diet is not only beneficial for patients’ health, but also plays an important role of slowing down the progression of nephritic syndrome. However, in our daily life, some kidney disease  patients do not pay attention to their diet, therefore, here, our expert will give you some useful diet suggestion.

1. Sodium Intake
If nephritic syndrome patients have serious edema, on this occasion, a low sodium diet is recommended greatly to them. In general, a reasonable amount of sodium is less than 2g everyday.

2. Protein Intake
In the stage of nephritic syndrome, patients must pay close attention to the protein intake as both high protein intake and low protein intake are harmful. On the one hand, high protein intake can increase urine protein of nephritic syndrome patients and worsen kidney condition. On the other hand, low protein intake may affect patients’ physical condition and the resistance of patients will decrease as well. So finding out how much of protein to ingest everyday is so vital for nephritic syndrome patients.

3.  Fat Intake
Generally speaking, nephritic syndrome patients always have hyperlipemia, thus they should limit animal offal and some seafood which are rich in cholesterol and fat strictly.

4. Microelement
As we all know that fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin and microelement, so patients with nephritic syndrome should take appropriate fruits and vegetables in order to supplement the missing microelement.

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