Monday, December 9, 2013

High urine protein is how it happened Cause

High urine protein is how it happened ? Many people in life have appeared symptoms of urinary protein is high , for that matter , many people are confused. So, in the end the high urinary protein is how it happened ? I hope the following description can give us some help .

For high urine protein is how problems , experts say , proteinuria as chronic nephritis most common clinical manifestations . For a long time , has been considered the result of kidney disease. In fact , the amount of urinary protein and abnormal is not only an indicator of disease , but as an independent factor involved in the process of kidney disease . The study also found that the speed levels and a variety of chronic renal failure, nephrotic proteinuria progress is closely related to be able to make any therapeutic intervention to reduce proteinuria are conducive to slow the progression of kidney disease.

High urine protein is how it happened ? Although proteinuria as an independent factor involved in the process of kidney disease , proteinuria can also damage the kidneys . Performance in the following areas :
1 , urine protein on mesangial cells have toxic effects , patients entering renal failure, there will be a large number of plasma protein deposition in mesangial areas, these macromolecules in mesangial deposition can cause system cell membrane damage , on cell proliferation and mesangial matrix production increase, leading to glomerulosclerosis ;

2 , urine protein can damage tubulointerstitial normal glomerular filtration of small amounts of small molecule protein is close reabsorption in renal tubular epithelial cells , decomposed in the lysosomes. Under pathological conditions , increased glomerular permeability to make a lot of plasma protein leakage into the tubule lumen , and proximal tubular epithelial cells leads to excessive reabsorption of albumin in the cytoplasm lysosomal activity increased , can cause cell damage ;
3 , proteinuria increased renal tubular reabsorption of protein to promote increased production of ammonia , the ammonia generated in the renal tissue during interstitial lesions also play a role. In addition, the re- absorb and digest large amounts of protein extra energy, which can cause tubule cells of oxygen, oxygen free radicals increases , causing a small tube cell damage.
High urine protein is how it happened ? Diseases caused by increased urinary protein What ?

[ Nephritis ] acute nephritis or chronic nephritis , the urine protein from day to tens of grams have a small amount .
[ Nephrotic syndrome ] day volume of urine will be a lot more than three grams of protein in the urine . When symptoms are severe , oozing of urine protein will reduce the concentration of protein in the blood . In addition , there are also a result of diabetic kidney disease, amyloidosis (AJnyloidosis), the situation caused by diseases such as collagen .

[ Renal sclerosis ] With the state of renal sclerosis induced hypertension , urinary protein excretion is reduced, mostly in 300 mg or less.
In addition, multiple myeloma, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis , gout, edema disease , such as mercury poisoning, lead poisoning disease , there will be urine protein .

High urine protein is how it happened ? When a situation occurs when higher urinary protein in urine routine examination , first stay calm , do not panic , this time is not necessarily a high urine protein pathological reasons. So the possibility of kidney disease should first investigation , if necessary, to do it again urine routine examination. Better inspections urinary protein , you must do the inspection. When re- inspection is still abnormal , we must accept the urinary sediment , check the number of red blood cells , white blood cell count , etc. , but also the implementation of the kidneys and urinary tract precision inspection , and a comprehensive systemic symptoms to diagnose whether there is kidney disease or any other disease. When you have kidney disease , but also do other renal function tests , do a comprehensive diagnosis. Diagnosis of cystitis, pyelonephritis, urinary tract infections , medication physician indicated .
High above for urine protein by how it related presentations , we hope to have some help . If you have any questions, or around other kidney disease patients also had a similar case, the patient's case suggested that it might submit information to this website experts with specific conditions to give you more detailed guidance and analysis. You can also click consulting kidney specialists , experts will be happy to help patients recover.

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