Monday, November 11, 2013

Benefits of having a kidney transplant compared to dialysis?

There are many health risks connected to dialysis. The access sites for the dialysis are a frequent cause of infection and hospitalization. Frequently, heart problems occur with dialysis. It's extremely restrictive as far as diet goes; there are many foods you must avoid, and also there is usually a fluid restriction. As someone else said, you'll spend fours a day plus travel time at dialysis. At the best, it's boring; at the worst, it's horrible.
  A successful transplant gives you your life back. You are no longer restricted because you aren't on dialysis. For the most part, your diet is no longer restricted (in my case, I am still low sodium, which is pretty normal and no big deal). You could possibly have some side effects from the medication (I don't). But overall, you feel so much better after a transplant, compared to dialysis. It's healthier for you and you have a better quality of life.
  Aside from the obvious health benefits, kidney transplants bring about massive improvements in quality of life.

  In most countries its personal dialysis machines for every one who would need one simply isnt possible, as a result many people have to travel to their regional hospital once every 3 days or so, as you can imagine with most decent hospitals being located in the city this can place a huge burden on people who live in the country. For example in Ireland, St Vincent's hospital (located in dublin) serves people from as far away as wexford, that's roughly a 2hr drive. Additionally once the patient get there he has to go through the process of dialysis itself which depending on the machine can take up to 5-8hrs. This essentially means that these patients are essentially losing one day in four just to go for dialysis. If such a patient could recieve a kideny transplant it would basically give them back an entire day.


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