Sunday, February 23, 2014

Kidney Disease Examination -- Ultrasound B

Ultrasound B is a kind of equipment which is using ultrasonic transmission technology and ultrasonic image diagnosis technology. It applies to ultrasonic reflection theory. It has been popular to use Ultrasound B check kidneys in clinical practice. It has the advantages of no damage, and safe application. It can display renal capsula, parenchyma, pelvis and such tissues and structures. In addition, it can accurately locate kidney position and measure kidney size, judge the tumor in or out kidneys, as well as cystic lesion. When patients check kidneys, there is no special preparation. Currently, the Ultrasound B can find the following problems:

1. Observing kidney size, shape and location, measuring the thickness of renal cortex and medulla, as well as echo intensity: when the kidneys are normal, the shape and size are normal, and the echo of renal cortex is even; when kidneys appear diffuse and material lesion, the echo may be abnormal. Ultrasound B can also differentiate Acute and Chronic Kidney Failure.

2. Diagnosing Kidney Cysts and Hydronephrosis: Because ultrasound has a strong reflection for fluid, in the Ultrasound B screen, the fluid will show even gray. If patients have cysts and hydronephrosis, through Ultrasound B, it can find the size and numbers of cysts and the degree of hydronephrosis.

3. Differentiating kidney mass: through Ultrasound B, the mass is less obvious than hydronephrosis, but the size, numbers and location of tumor is better.

4. Transplanted kidney: it is a ideal method to check kidney condition with Ultrasound B after kidney transplantation. For example, the sudden kidney enlargement indicates acute rejection; the capacity of pelvis and calyce increasing indicates obstruction; at the late period, patients appearing blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine increasing and kidney enlargement indicates rejection; kidney shrinking indicates kidney atrophy.

5. Kidney stone: If patients have kidney stone, it can find that spot or mass echo and sound shadow at the back in the screen of Ultrasound.

6. Congenital kidney adnormality: such as unilateral kidney agenesis, ectopic kidney, double kidney, horse-shoe kidney and kidney dysplasia, all these abnormalities can show different characteristic ultrasonic images.

7. Kidney puncture positioning: through Ultrasound B, it can look for the ideal puncture point and deepth, also observe whether there is bleeding after puncturing. So, all kidney biospies are processing with the help of Ultrasound B, which can guarante the safety of kidney biopsy.

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