Sunday, February 9, 2014

How to Prevent Glomerulonephritis Developing to Uremia?

Glomerulonephritis is a common kidney disease. Seemingly, it refers to inflammation reaction on the kidneys, but differing from other inflammation. Glomerulonephritis is also an immune disease. Kidneys occur to pathological lesion and it needs to be repaired timely. The expert points out that the early symptoms of nephritis are commonly slight, and easy to be ignored. Many patients develop to end-stage kidney disease due to not enough attention, which increase the treatment difficulty.
How to detect Glomerulonephritis at the early time and avoid progressing to Uremia?
According to statistics, more than half cases of Uremia are from Glomerulonephritis progression. And Glomerulonephritis is one of the main inducing factors for Uremia. So, how to prevent Glomerulonephritis progressing to Uremia? The experts indicate that the key is to confirm the Glomerulonephritis cause, detect the symptoms, treat it positively and strength the treatment effect.
1. Discover Glomerulonephritis symptoms at the early time.
The clinic symptoms are not obvious at the early stage. Commonly it indicates swelling, proteinuria and hematuria, some case may occur to high blood pressure, waist pain, fatigue.
2. Confirm the cause and get a accurate diagnosis.
There are many causes for the glomerulonephritis. All systemic disease can lead to nephritis, especially some immune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, infection, lupus erythematosus and medicine and so on. In addition, long time indiscipline life, unreasonable diet, and cold can also lead to glomerulonephritis
3. After judging the condition, people should get a regular treatment.
Every case has a different condition. Doctor will make a specific treatment schedule according to patients’ symptoms, such as the levels of proteinuria or hematuria, swelling, high blood pressure, kidney function. Natural Immune Balance Therapy in Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital is mainly using Traditional Chinese Medicine together with Western Medicine. Western medicine can eliminate the symptoms and Traditional Chinese Medicine will repair the renal intrinsic cells from the root, and thus achieve the best efficacy.
4. Having a regular diet.

Many patients with Glomerulonephritis have a misunderstanding that glomerulonephritis will recover after treating. However, the diet and health care are also important during the treating process and prognosis.

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