Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Eight Populations with High Risk of Kidney Disease

1. Elder people
With the age increasing, kidney function will be aging naturally, and it will be more sensitive for drugs. Arteriosclerosis is also an important reason for kidney damage. Therefore, people at the age of 40-50 years old should pay more attention to kidney function. The best way is to do urine test and kidney function every year.
2. People with Hypertension
High blood pressure will increase kidney’s burden. And long-time high blood pressure will result in renal arteriosclerosis and affect kidney function. In terms of Chronic Kidney Disease treatment, controlling high blood pressure has been an important intervening measure. For patients with hypertension, if the pressure is controlling well, they just need take urine test and kidney function every year; if the pressure is not controlling well, they must check the kidney function every half year.
3. People with Hyperlipidemia
Lipid deposition in the blood vessel will lead to cardiovascular sclerosis and affect kidney vessel, resulting in renal arteriosclerosis. Meanwhile, for obesity people, except for high level of lipid affecting kidney function, high metabolism is also injuring the kidney function. Therefore, it is also important for obesity people to control weight and improve life style.
4. People with Diabetes
More than half patients with Diabetes will develop to Chronic Kidney Disease within 10 years. On this occasion, patients with Diabetes should alert the kidney disease. The key is controlling the glucose.
5. People who take medicine blindly
Commonly, medicine is excreted through kidneys. Some medicine may cause a large damage for the kidneys. For example, for patients with Chronic Nephritis taking analgesic-antipyretic, Chinese herbal medicine containing aristolochic acid and birthwort root will result in irreversible kidney damage.
6. People with Chronic Kidney Disease history
According to research, if there is a member having kidney disease history in the family, the occurrence rate of other members will increase by 5-8 times. So if someone has kidney disease in your family, other members should have a kidney examination.
7. People with autoimmune disease
Autoimmune diseases mainly include systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE), rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and vasculitis and so on. All these disease will result in kidney disease, especially for young women.
8. People with virus hepatitis

As we all known, hepatitis virus are common to injury liver and lead to virus hepatitis. But few people know that it can also lead to kidney disease, which is called Hepatitis Virus Related Nephritis.

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