Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What are The Characteristics of Natural Immune Balance Therapy?

1.Internal Treatment

(1)To improve the kidney’s function

(2)To regulate the immunity

(3)To excrete the metabolic wastet


2.External Treatment

(1)Characteristic TCM Physiotherapy is one of external therapies of Natural Immune Balance Therapy with integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine. It is a kind of Natural treatment with no gastrointestinal absorption and hepatorenal metabolization no pains and no trauma. Together with the clinical practice it has composed an integrative treatment, which has achieved the effects of curing kidney disease both internal and external, coordinating and co-compensating each other, consolidating the treatment effect.

(2)Treatment Items

Medication: Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine of Multifunctional Electromagnetic Medicated Bath Therapy, Computer Medium Frequency Fumigation Therapy, Iontophoresis Therapy, Aerosol Inhalation Therapy and Balance Auricular Acupoint Therapy, Acupoint Moxibustion, Thunder-light miraculous needle Therapy. Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine External Acupoint sticking therapy

Physiotherapy: Millimeter Waves Therapy, Anion Therapy, Electromagnetic Wave Magic Lamp Therapy, Ultrasonic Therapy, Computer Medium Frequency Therapy, “Zhou Lin” Frequency Spectrum Therapy and Cupping, Scaling and Magnetic Sticking. And so on.

Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Traditional Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Balance Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Bloodletting Puncture, Firing Acupuncture, Liquid acupuncture therapy. Warming Acupuncture.

Characteristic Therapies: Balance of Medicate Therapy, Acupuncture therapy, Auricular Acupoint Therapy, Cupping Therapy, Light Bath Therapy and Anion Balance Therapy.

(3)Clinical Application

a. To make up the treatment Schedule: For each patient, after the physical examination, the expert doctors will make up a treatment Schedule for them according to their examination results, 10 times is one treatment course, commonly, the patient will receive 20 times continuously, for patient in special their treatment may prolong or stop according to their illness condition.

b. Treatment method: In our hospital we adopted the unique six kinds of balance therapies together with the clinical integrated treatment to make each patient to be fully up to the balance states of Yin and Yang, and get the effects of strengthening genuine Qi to eliminate pathogenic factors.

(4)Main Method

Balance Medication is referring to the Chinese herbal medicine multi-dimensional external treatment.

Clinical Application: Computer Medium Frequency Fumigation Therapy used together with Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine of Multifunctional Electromagnetic Medicated Bath Therapy, Iontophoresis Therapy and Aerosol Inhalation Therapy and so on, are mainly for dredging meridian of the whole body, regulating the Yin and Yang balance, strengthening genuine Qi to eliminate pathogenic factors to improve the body’s metabolism, promote the restore of the damaged tissues and recover its physiological function.

(5)Assistant Method

During the course of main method treatment for the patients’ existing problems, it needs other five kinds of balance therapies to have a further treatment. It’s mainly bases on the patients’ different presentations, after syndrome differentiation, to choose the different treatment schedule.

Balance Acupuncture includes multi-needles acupuncture (one time tens or hundreds needles used), one needle acupuncture (one time one needle or dozen needles used), and abdominal acupuncture. With these three different acupunctures, according to syndrome differentiation The patient’ body can quickly enter the balance states within a short time (commonly 3-5 times). This kind of treatment is suitable for the difficult and complicated cases.

Balance of Auricular Acupoint Therapy is referring to balance the vital organs of the human body at one time and improve the symptoms rapidly in 1 to 3 days. This treatment is different from the traditional auricular acupoint therapy. It is suitable for the functional disease, such as insomnia, hard breath, gastrointestinal dysfunction and so on. It can also be used as an assistant treatment for the other balance therapies.

Balance of cupping therapy is referring to put tens or hundreds of cups on the fourteen meridians for 5-10 minutes in one time, to improve the symptoms rapidly and get the effect at one time. It is suitable for damp-heat and damp-cold symptoms with severe blood stasis.

Balance of Light Bath Therapy is referring to using the treatment method of Special Electromagnetic Spectrum following the Qi and blood movement direction, with the uniform reinforcing-reducing method to get the effect of warming meridian to dredger collaterals, promoting the blood circulation to remove blood stasis, strengthening genuine Qi by restoring normal functioning of the body to consolidate the constitution, balancing the vital organs and Yin and Yang of the human body. It is suitable for deficiency-cold patients.

Anion Balance therapy is referring to that under the function of anion, through adjusting the internal acid-base balance, to make the body recover its Yin and Yang Balance and its physiological state. This treatment is suitable for conservative treatment of all kinds of systemic diseases of the whole body.

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