Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How Long Can They Live for Patients with Lupus Nephritis?

For patients with Lupus Nephritis, how long they can live is a common concern topic for them and their family members. As to this question, we asked the Professor Wang in Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital who has great attainments in the treatment of Lupus Nephritis with the integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine. Professor Wang told us:
Firstly, for this disease, the earlier the treatment is, the better the result is. In western countries, they often use Steroid, Cytotoxic drugs and Hypotensive drugs to control the symptoms of Lupus Nephritis. With the combination of these drugs, it can rapidly control the symptoms of Lupus Nephritis. But using steroid, Lupus Neophritis may be easy to relapse. Once catching a cold or a little fatigue, all these factors can result in the symptoms reappearing. If doctor wants to control it again, patients must get larger dosage of above drugs, such as Steroid, Cytotoxic drugs. After this condition repeating many times, the disease will become difficult and complicated. And with the period of using steroid become longer, the side-effects of these drugs will begin to appear: for the mild case, patients will present moon-shaped face, buffalo hump and easy infection; for the severe case, they will have bone rarefaction and femoral head necrosis. So the simple western medicine treatment for Lupus Nephritis is not the best treatment measure.
Most of Lupus Nephritis cases have a protracted course and slow progression, this is to say, this disease commonly has no vital danger at the early and medium stage. Only the disease is progressing to uremic stage, it will threat patients’ life. This period may be several years, ten years or several decades. So patients shouldn’t worry about how long you can live with Lupus Nephritis, when getting the first diagnosed. And the most important thing is to find the suitable treatment. If the treatment is effective and it can stop the disease progressing to Uremia, patient can have a long life like normal people.
In addition, the daily nursing is also very important for the Lupus Nephritis patients. In daily life, they should have a regular life, balance diet, proper work and rest, try to avoid infection, exposure, and nervousness. During the Lupus Nephritis activity stage, the patients need to stay in bed and receive the treatment positively. After the disease condition controlled in stable, under the guidance of the doctor, the patients can do some proper works and the young female patients may be pregnant.
At last, patients must prepare with all protections, especially out of door, patients shouldn’t be very fatigue, or it will worsen the condition.

If you want to know more about your disease treatment, you can contact with our experts online. They will give you the professional suggestions.

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