Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How do we solve hyperkalemia in kidney failure?

Patients with renal failure appear high potassium should be deal with as soon as possible.According to the illness,we need different treatment .Today we discussed from three aspects. The Potassium in blood increased sharply, if it is short time usually need to take active measures to treat, we need the help of the doctor by correct acidosis who use of certain drugs to potassium dropped to normal level in a short period of time.For particularly serious patients, they should give blood dialysis treatment. For hyperkalemia slightly higher, the illness is not serious , we can reduce potassium though the habits and customs.First of all, daily intake of potassium content control in 50 to 60 mmol.stay away from coffee, bananas, oranges, spinach, potato.Such as food containing potassium is higher, it should be noted is that broth containing potassium is high, so should go to eat soup, meat for vegetables, especially high potassium should also go to eat soup. Far from leading to a high potassium drugs, including inhibiting renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system drugs, beta adrenergic receptor blockers, indomethacin and inhibition of potassium in the distal renal tubular secretion of drugs (e.g., spironolactone, ammonia, benzene pteridine) such as renal failure patients will cause hyperkalemia increased drug use. Learn the correct judgment of hyperkalemia in patients with renal failure, pay attention to the details in life, avoid to cause high potassium, TCM has roots in regulate renal failure avoid hyperkalemia in-depth research and good effect.want to understand more details

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