Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What good method can avoid the dialysis?

  Good blood sugar level control is the best way to delay or avoid all together kidney failure or dialysis. You also have to see your nephrologist to monitor your kidney function. The nephrologist will be able to refer you to dietician and pre-dialysis nurse specialist on how to look after yourself. I always advice people with kidney failure not to drink too much fluid. Limit your fluids to 1-1.5 liters per day. since your kidney is not working properly, the extra fluids you will drink will just retain in your ankles, legs and in some instance the lungs. so limit fluid intake. As much as possible have a low salt, low fat and cholesterol diet. As much as possible avoid taking NSAIDS or non-streroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This can harm the kidneys. I am also wondering if you are taking metformin? This medication can also harm the kidneys.
  FYI: PKD or polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease. Ultimately it will lead to kidney failure and needing dialysis in the end. but for diabetes, this can be control with good blood sugar control and early referral to the nephrologist.

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