Friday, November 22, 2013

What Are the Tests for Proteinuria?

To test for proteinuria, you will need to give a urine sample. A strip of chemically treated paper will change color when dipped in urine that has too much protein. A more sophisticated chemical analysis is needed to find smaller amounts (microalbuminuria). The most dependable measure of proteinuria requires you to collect your urine for 24 hours.

You will be given a special container and instructions for starting and stopping the collection and for storing the container.

How Is Proteinuria Treated?
If you have diabetes, hypertension, or both, the first goal of treatment will be to control your blood sugar and blood pressure. If you have diabetes, you should test your blood sugar often, follow a healthy eating plan, take your medicines, and get plenty of exercise. If you have diabetes and high blood pressure, your doctor may prescribe a medicine from a class of drugs called ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors. These drugs have been found to protect kidney function even more than other drugs that provide the same level of blood pressure control.

People who have high blood pressure and proteinuria but not diabetes may also benefit from taking an ACE inhibitor. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends keeping blood pressure below 125/75 mm Hg for people with proteinuria greater than 1 gram per 24 hours.

In addition to blood sugar and blood pressure control, the National Kidney Foundation recommends restricting dietary salt and protein. Your doctor may refer you to a dietitian to help you follow a healthy eating plan.

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