Saturday, November 16, 2013

Has anyone been through peritoneal dialysis?

  If you are going through with dialysis, it is not because it is a good idea. it is because you need it to live. The pro about dialysis is that it will filter out the waste product of your blood and you will live. there are lots of cons. they are:
  1) it takes 3 to 5 hours for 1 session and you need to go to about 3 sessions per week. this impacts your social and work life.
  2) dialysis can not replace a real kidney. there are some proteins that dialysis can not remove in your blood and in time they will build up causing health problems such as stiff/painful joints.
  3) dialysis only extends your life while you wait for a transplant. People live around 10 years on dialysis because like i said dialysis can not replace a real kidney.
  4) the tube used for dialysis creates a opening for bacteria to infect.
  5) dialysis affects people mentally such as thoughts about ones attractiveness. It may reduce sex drive also because of this.

  althought there are lots of cons about dialysis, the biggest pro is that dialysis can help you live longer.peritoneal dialysis is better than having the line inserted into the arm in my opinion. the vein that the line needs to be inserted into usually causes problems and people have to go to surgery to repair that vein.

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