Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What Diseases can Lead to Uremia?

Uremia is a kind of severe kidney disease. In the daily life, if we know the root of the Uremia and make a correct prevention, we may avoid Uremia occurrence. So what is the cause of inducing Uremia? The experts in Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital give the following explanation:

No.1, HIV
According to research, the Uremia which is caused by HIV infection has an increasing trend, accounting for about 1%.

Kidney structure and function will appear obvious degenerative change with the age. In the normal condition, the kidneys have a strong compensation. Even the kidneys have been damaged about 50%, it can still maintain the normal life. For example, if people just have one kidney, he can still have a healthy life. However, with the age increasing, the body’ reservation is weak until complete loss. Under the condition with additional burden, the kidney function can meet the requirement of basic life. But it is unable to manage the sudden damage and diseases.So, for the elder people, once they appear accident, it is easy to lead to further kidney damage and develop to Uremia, such as infection, catching a cold, losing blood, water shortage, renal toxic drugs, other diseases and so on, all these factors can be the inducement of Uremia for elder people.
No.3, Drug Toxicity
Different levels of drugs side-effect can also result in Uremia. Recently, about 25% patients with kidney failure is related with drugs toxicity.
No.4 Infection
Most Uremia can be caused by urinary system infection or urinary tract infection. it can affect all people, especial for women of childbearing. So all patients with kidney disease should try to avoid infection in the daily life.
No.5 Other Kidney Diseases.
Although there are many factors can lead to Uremia, the kidney disease is the most common one, because Uremia is the end of all Chronic Kidney Disease. Among all these kidney diseases, Chronic Nephritis is the primary cause.
6. Diabetes.
For patients with Diabetes, if the glucose can’t be controlled well, it will result in Uremia. Most patients with Diabetes will have Uremia at the later stage.
7. Hypertension (high blood pressure)
About 15% hypertension will directly progress to Uremia. Because long-term high blood pressure will lead to kidney damage and then occur to Hypertensive Uremia

The experts suggests: if patients have kidney disease, they should treat it early and timely. And they should choose the professional kidney disease hospital or take medicine under the expert’s guidelines.

Is Lower Back Pain Indicating Kidney Problem?

Lower back pain is a common signs of kidney disease. When people feel that they have lower back pain, they think it is kidney problem. Is lower back pain indicating kidney problem? The experts in Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital tell us:

Patients with kidney disease often have lower back pain. For example, when patients have Acute Pyelonephritis, kidney emboli, Obstructive Kidney Disease, rapid enlargement of kidney and suppurative inflammation around kidneys, they will appear violent lower back pain. But not all patients with kidney problem will have this symptom, such as Acute and Chronic Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and so on, they often just have slight discomfort or soreness of waist; few of them appear violent lower back pain. In addition, other disease can also lead to lower back pain, such as lumbar muscle strain, lumbar hyperosteogeny, lumber sprain and women’s pelvic lesions (pelvic inflammation, annexitis and so on). So not all lower back pains are indicating kidney problem. Patients should go to hospital to take examination to confirm the reason.

High BUN Level

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) is the final metabolic product of protein in the body. It is mainly excreted through glomerular filtration. The value of BUN can reflect the condition of kidney function.

For the normal people, the fasting BUN is 3.2-7.1 mmol/L (9-20mg/dL). If people have kidney lesion, such as Glomerulonephritis, Interstitial Nephritis, Acute and Chronic Kidney Failure, kidney destructive lesion, all these diseases can lead to BUN increasing. There are also many other factors except for kidney factors leading to BUN increasing. If it can exclude other factors, the BUN 21.4 mmol/L (60mg/dL) will be one of the indicators for Uremia.

For patients, there are two conditions of high BUN level. The most common is kidney insufficiency, including Acute Kidney Insufficiency and Chronic Kidney Insufficiency. The first reason is because of kidney damage, BUN can’t be eliminated with Urine, and a part of patients with Acute Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome can also appear transient BUN increasing, mainly in serious swelling. Because little urination lead to no discharge of BUN with urine, and these BUN will accumulate in the blood.

High Serum Creatinine Level

Serum creatinine is the metabolic product of muscle. It is mainly removed through glomerular filtration. When the serum creatinine is higher than the normal range, it indicates that kidney function has been damaged. Kidney damage will lead to serum creatinine unable to discharge from the body, which will make serum creatinine increasing.

When the kidney is damaged, the renal cells will appear inflammation, and the glomerular filtration will become weak. The serum creatinine is unable to discharge from the body through kidneys, and it will accumulate in the blood, resulting in serum creatinine increasing. At the same time, patients also have high blood pressure, severe swelling and other symptoms. So, when serum creatinine is increasing in the test reports, patients should go to hospital to find the reason, and receive the correct treatment, which can prevent further kidney damage.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Is Lower Back Pain Indicating Kidney Problem?

Lower back pain is a common signs of kidney disease. When people feel that they have lower back pain, they think it is kidney problem. Is lower back pain indicating kidney problem? The experts in Beijing Yumei Kidney Disease Hospital tell us:

Patients with kidney disease often have lower back pain. For example, when patients have Acute Pyelonephritis, kidney emboli, Obstructive Kidney Disease, rapid enlargement of kidney and suppurative inflammation around kidneys, they will appear violent lower back pain. But not all patients with kidney problem will have this symptom, such as Acute and Chronic Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and so on, they often just have slight discomfort or soreness of waist; few of them appear violent lower back pain. In addition, other disease can also lead to lower back pain, such as lumbar muscle strain, lumbar hyperosteogeny, lumber sprain and women’s pelvic lesions (pelvic inflammation, annexitis and so on). So not all lower back pains are indicating kidney problem. Patients should go to hospital to take examination to confirm the reason.