Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cells treatment for Chronic Kidney Failure

Cells treatment for Chronic Kidney Failure
Chronic Kidney Failure is a clinical syndrome composed by a series of kidney function damage symptoms and metabolic disorder. Once patients progress to chronic kidney failure, the only treatment method is kidney transplantation. However, kidney transplantation also has risks, such as rejection response and complications after transplantation. For patients with Diabetic Nephropathy, kidney transplantation will not be recommended in our hospital. Because the recurring rate for diabetic nephropathy is more higher than patients with other kidney diseases after transplantation, and the wound healing will take a long time. However, is there any better way to treat chronic kidney failure?

With the improvement of medical equipment and development of medical technology, cell treatment come to people’s view. The cell treatment is commonly stem cell treatment. Stem cell is a kind of original cell with the ability of self-replication and multiple differentiation potential. For the treatment of kidney disease, on one hand, stem cell can produce new glomerular capillary endothelial cell, visceral cell and repair glomerular basement membrane and filtration membrane, improve glomerular filtration function and increase glomerular filtration rate, which can improve the symptoms of abnormal urine, high blood pressure, swelling caused by glomerular disease. On the other hand, stem cell can differentiate into immune balance cells, such as Ts cells, Th cells to balance immune response and remove the factors for renal tubular damage, avoid the persistent damage for glomeruli and prevent its progression to kidney failure.

The stem cell treatment for kidney disease is from cell levels, through producing all kinds of renal cells to recover renal physiological function. Stem cell treatment for chronic kidney failure has an excellent effect. Comparing to kidney transplantation, without the requirement of match and operation,stem cell treatment has a better effect.

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