Thursday, November 28, 2013

Is there a link between Iga nephropathy and chronic pancreatitis?

  Prevention* & Cure* of any Disease/Syndrome/Disorder/Hormonal Imbalance, be it, bacterial, viral and or auto-immune disoerder, dreaded and incurable diseases affecting even brain and spinalcord, etc., :--- How to increase your metabolism & to boost-up immunity power? Religious compliance of all stipulated instructions ensures total cure.
  In any ailment [acute as well as chronic] and emergencies, Acupressure techniques come to Ur rescue, not only for instant diagnosis, but also for giving some prevention of any disease[s] and perceivable relief/cure. No medication/hospitalization/side effects. Most suitable to the poor masses, who can’t afford insurance, nor ability to pay the bills.
  1. Acupressure techniques--- Utility—Blocked energy + toxins shall be moved from all Ur internal organs to purge in the normal drainage system, i.e., urine, feces, sweat, cough, menses[ladies], vomitting and all the organs shall function up to optimal levels
  With Ur thumb & middle finger, “hard press” ur/his/her palms and soles, wrists and ankles on both sides. Suppose pain is felt while pressing a particular Acupressure point No.1-10, 11-16, 37 [brain, head nerve, etc.,]in the palm/sole, u have to press the surrounding area—just like U r pumping out air from that painful point. The blocked energy in any internal organ, be it lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys, pancreas, liver, etc., shall be released along with toxins if any. As a last point u must press middle part of each palm/sole; so that toxins, if any, shall be excreted/purged through urine without affecting the kidneys.
  It should be done in an empty stomach or 2 hours after meals. With this, all the endocrine glands and their hormonal secretions shall be regulated. All internal organs shall function up to optimal levels. Ur entire immune system gets invigorated to produce antibodies.
  Remote Control Aupressure Points:

  Point Nos.1-10 -----1 [brain], 2 [Mental Nerves], 3 [Pituitarygland], 4 [Pineal gland], 5 [Head Nerves], 6 [Throat], 7 [Neck], 8 [Thyroid & Parathyroid], 9 [Spine], 10 [piles-constipation], , Point Nos.11-16, No.11 [Prostrate gland], 12 [Penis], 13 [Vagina], 14. Testes & Ovaries], 15 [Uterus], 16 [Lymph], 17 [Hip], 18 [Urinary Bladder], 19 [intestines], 21 [appendix-front side], and 21 [allergy-back side]; 22[gall bladder], 23 [liver], 24[Shoulder], 25[Pancreas], 26[kidney], 27[Stomach], 28[Adrena gland], 29[Solar Plexus-Nabhi Chakra-Umbelicus], 30[Lungs], 31[Ear], 32[Energy], 33[Nerves of ear], 34[Cold], 35[Eye], 36[Heart], 37 [spleen]. 38[Thymus].

  2. In Ur diet U may include aloe vera juice, raw vegetables, green juices, raithas, salads, sprouted seeds, dry fruits, nuts,wheat grass powder, noni juice, black tea, green tea, etc.--and
  3. Exclude cooked food, burgers, pizzas,noodles, Chowmein, [deep freeze & deep fried mutton, chicken red meat, beef, pork, etc.], salt, baking soda, chocolate, coffee, colas made in India, tea, Nutra Sweet with aspartame, etc. Frying, grilling, and broiling meats at very high temperatures causes chemicals to form that may increase cancer risk.
  6. Immuno Plus+ 1 caps bdi in empty stomach,
  7. Memory+ 1 caps bdi in empty stomach,
  8. Triphala Caps 2 caps bdi after lunch & dinner.
  9. Liver Toner+ -1 cap after lunch & dinner.
  10. Allergy Cut – 1 capsule before breakfast, lunch and dinner in an empty stomach.
  11. Ashwagandha Caps. 1 after lunch and dinner.
  12. Punarnava XT –1 capsule before lunch & dinner.

  Patented Ayurveda Nutritional & Food Supplements manufactured in India and USA- duly approved by USFDA, KOSHER, HALAL, GMP, ISO ETC., and made available at Stores in your vicinity in 40 countries all over the globe. No Side Effects.

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