Sunday, November 10, 2013

What are the symptoms of a kidney infection and how is it cured?

  1. The first condition of Renal Infection is Acute Pyelonephritis, if the infection is detected in this primary stage then the treatment is really easy and can be done with the help of some antibiotic medicines and someherbal remedies for this stage of infection are available to and are pretty successful in resolving this condition.
  2. The second and the serious type of infection is Chronic Pyelonephritis, this type of infection is called an active infection and it spreads quickly to an uncontrollable level and it causes serious damage to the wholeurinary system.
  3. The third infection is called Emphysematous Pyelonephritis, this type of infection is commonly found in the patients of diabetes, in this particular infection gas molecules are found in the kidneys and the adjacent areas which is not good for the working of kidneys.
  4. The fourth type of infection is Pyonephorosis; this is a infection in which the ureters are blocked as a result of this the urine is unable to go to the bladder from kidneys, in such case the flow of urine is disturbed and the whole urinary system becomes infected and it leads to serious health problems.

  5. The fifth type of infection is known as Renal Abscesses ; in this stage of Renal Infection the pus chunks can be found near the kidney in this sort of infection the kidney can shut its functions down and cause a complete renal failure. This is a very serious situation a patient may even die because of kidney failure.

The common infection symptoms of a kidney infection that the patient may exhibit are pain and burning sensation during urination, strong urge to urinate, frequent urination, smelly urine, chills, nausea, vomiting, stinging pain in the lower back, sudden unexplained fever and sudden unexplained fatigue. A timely diagnosis and treatment can prevent life-threatening complications from arising. If a person is diagnosed with pyelonephritis, doctors may prescribe a sulfa drug for clearing off the infection. If you know that you are allergic to sulfa drugs, or get to know after beginning the course of medication, let your doctor know immediately.

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