Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Can Someone Who Is Doing Peritoneal Dialysis Keep A Pet

I Am At 12% Kidney Function, But I Feel Fine. What Should I Do
If a patient only has 12% kidney function left, but there is no obvious symptom in his body, what should he do to deal with his condition? As we know, how much kidney function is left for patient with kidney disease is defined according to his glomerular filtration rate (GFR). And for patient who has 12% kidney function left, his GFR is about 15ml/min. Which means his is in stage 5 kidney failure.

I Am Going To Undergo Dialysis Soon. What Am I Facing
Dialysis is a kidney replacement therapy. For patient who is in the end stage of kidney failure, there will be much wastes and toxins accumulating in his blood, and to keep his health, he will be recommended to accept dialysis. Dialysis is an effective way to prolong patient’s lifetime, but there are some aspects that is worthing considering before patient accepting dialysis.

Does Foams In Urine Indicate Kidney Failure
Patient with kidney disease may have a lot of worry if he find he has foams in his urine, because that may be a indication of kidney failure. Does foams in urine always indicate kidney failure? Why does patient with kidney disease has foams in urine? It is necessary for patient to have a better understanding about this aspect.

Is It Bad For Kidney Disease Patient To Have BUN 43
Is it bad for patient with kidney disease to have blood ures nitrogen (BUN) 43mg/dL? Patient with this situation may have this doubt. However, this also depends on patient’s condition.

How Does Overactive Immune System Affect Kidney
Kidney disease can be caused by many reasons, among which patient’s overactive immune system is a common reason, like IgA nephropathy, purpura nephritis, lupus nephritis, etc. Besides, the occurrence of kidney disease has close relation with our immunity. Thereby, how on earth does overactive immune system cause kidney disease?

Can Someone Who Is Doing Peritoneal Dialysis Keep A Pet
Can someone who is doing peritoneal dialysis keep a pet? This may be a problem that many patients on peritoneal dialysis are facing with. Peritoneal dialysis is an effective way to prolong patient’s lifetime, and it is very beneficial to patient.

I Have Begin Diet Treatment For My CKD. When Will It Work, And What Effect Will Appear
Diet can make a significant influence to patient’s condition. Appropriate diet can help promote patient’s health condition effectively, while bad diet habit will aggravate patient’s condition obviously.

Foods That Cause Creatinine To Increase After Kidney Transplant
What foods can cause creatinine to rise after kidney transplant? Patient who has accepted kidney transplant will be more careful in protecting his kidneys, and he may want to know this aspect.

Kidney Failure Stages’ Life Expectancy
Kidney failure is a stage of kidney disease, which means patient’s kidney are damaged partially or completely. Kidney failure is a severe condition, and what is the life expectancy of kidney failure stages?

Why Are Fruits And Fruit Juices Bad For Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
In fact, not just fruit, CKD patient is also forbidden to take many other foods, because CKD patient is easy to have some minerals’ disorder in his body. If patient take in these minerals blindly, their condition can be aggravated severely, and many complications will be caused. For example, patient with CKD often have hyperkalemia, which can cause many problems to patient. So if CKD patient who has hyperkalemia take much banana, that will aggravate his health problem.

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